Lavish your love on me Sing your song over me

Purify my heart and make me new.

Empty me of me and fill me up with you;

long for you, Oh Lord.

My heart desires to do your will,

I want to be consumed by you.

I will breathe you in and I will sing your praise for all my days. 

You have been so good to me more than I can fathom.

My life I surrender to you

Overcome me with your presence, that I may dwell in it in present time

and even more after death.

My desire, My Hope, My faith, my joy

My past, present, and future 

are all found in you Lord. 

Pull the strings of my heart

direct my path

That even when it hurts, I’ll run to you.

You have become my best friend, my Hero.

In times of need you never leave me.

You keep your promises, and you never let me down.

Thank You Lord:

for keeping a close eye on me

for never letting me go

for singing your song over me, and

for always always making me feel loved.




Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my heart. Its funny how hard it is to share you love, your passions, and your heart to the world. But, in all of this I hope it blesses you even more. I was sitting at my desk in the privacy of my room and I was overwhelmed by Gods peace and even more today. 

I have been going through some struggles with fundraising and in my personal life. But, it amazes me all the time that God uses those times of chaos to bring out beauty. This reminded me of how God takes care of me. How he says “Your circumstances aren’t perfect, but I AM. TRUST ME.” He is perfect in all his ways.

I just want people to know this God that I have come to know and love with all my heart. He has given so freely, so we should freely give back. 11 months away from my family, friends, and the things I have come to be attached to, IS NOT ENOUGH!! Our sacrifices will never compare to the sacrifice Christ did on the cross so that you and I and people across world could have eternal life. But, have you thought about those who are unreached? those who don’t know the God that we know? Christ saw worth in all of us to die for us, but not everyone knows that… 

So with that I end this blog. I want to thank you all for taking your time for reading my blog. I hope it blesses you and encourages you in ways we can not understand. I hope you consider joining me in this journey to reach the unreachable and share the gospel with those who may have never heard of him. THANK YOU! 

God Bless!

Yours Truly,
