Yesterday was Christmas. I spent the day with my family at our house. We enjoyed each others company, food and laughter. Oh, and of course, presents. We did it a bit differently this year. We opened the presents in the evening because we were waiting for my brother and his wife to come over.

Something I had been hoping and praying for for this trip was a DSLR Camera. God has put a huge desire in me for photography and video. I enjoy taking snap shots of things I have done so I can share it with others later on in life. My iPod has over 8000 pictures on it. My computer has even more. I love to capture memories.

Last year before I went to Uganda, I bought a Sony A65 DSLR Camera. I really enjoyed it and it took awesome pictures and video. I got to use these pictures and videos to show people back home what I got to do and experience. Also I got to share stories of what God did in the lives of people we met. Before I left Uganda, God put it on my heart to give this camera away to my younger brother. I was excited to give it to him and I wrapped it up for him for Christmas. He was so surprised to have received it. He put it to good use all year and made a few videos with it. Then for this year, he wrapped it up and gave it back to me for Christmas! Wow God!

I am excited to see how God is going to use this present this next year. I see it as more than just a camera. I see it as a tool in the Kingdom of God. I want to share stories with people back home. I want to capture God’s beauty in the 11 countries I visit. I want to capture memories for my teammates. I want to teach kids how to use a camera and share with them this present. I believe it will continue to be the gift that keeps on giving!

I am 11 more sleeps away from leaving. Time has been going too fast and not fast enough. There are days when I wish I were gone already and then days where I want to spend more time with my friends and family and not want to leave.

This is the transition time that I’ve been expecting for a long time. It is now just around the corner. I fly out January 6th. Please be praying for me that it all goes smoothly and that all things logistical works out well. Thank you!

Jordan Tarant