I am beginning to realize that I am the minority.

I was just thinking of where I was last year. I was in Uganda studying Theology at a Bible College for 3 months. I was one of two Canadian students (Alyssa). We were the minority. We were two white young adults among 60 African students. (Can you find me?)

Alyssa and I often did ministry together, but there was a few times when I got to go with just the African students. This was stretching for me at first. I was now the only white person getting starred at. I was no longer sharing the gaze of Ugandan children. Their eyes were only on me. This is a common thing when traveling to places where white people are little to none. It was something I had to get used to, being the minority.

As I was thinking about this, I realized that my life is full of being the minority. At training camp there were around 300 Racers. There were 6 Canadians. We were the minority. Out of those 6 Canadians, I was the only male. So out of 300 Racers, I was the only male Canadian. I am the minority.

When it comes to this World, Christian’s are a minority. And that is just the people who proclaim to be “Christian”.

Then there are those who actually follow Jesus. The ones who know they are adopted. The ones that hear His voice, step out in faith, and have a thriving relationship with the God of this universe. The ones who know God as Father. Ones who will obey God when He asks something of them. Now “those” people are even more of a minority.

I desire to be classified with “those” types of people. I desire to be “Christ-like”. To live like Jesus did and do greater things than Him (John 14:12). I don’t want to conform to the ways of this world. I want to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

So I guess what I am saying is “I want to be the Minority”.

I desire to be like Jesus and He was the minority. So I am beginning to embrace the fact that He is calling me to be different. That when Jesus says “Go here” and no one follows, I will still choose to go. As the old hymn goes “Though none go with me, still I will follow, no turning back, no turning back”.

The life Jesus calls us to live is not an easy one at times. There are challenges and at times we may be the minority. But Jesus promised He will never leave us or forsake us. We can rest assured that God will be with us in all we do and wherever we go. God is so loving and faithful.

I am choosing to be the minority. What will you choose?