Well the time has finally come for me to officially announce what I am doing this coming year. As many people may have heard me tell them already, I am going on an 11 month missions trip to 11 different countries. I just finished my 3rd year of Bible College in May and now God is calling me to go on the World Race in January 2015. The World Race is for people ages 21-35. It is apart of a bigger organization called “Adventures in Missions” It sends people of all different backgrounds to the nations of this world to share the love of God in whatever way the Spirit leads. It looks like loving kids in an orphanage, helping build a church or other building, working with a farmer in his field, evangelizing, preaching, teaching and whatever else God may have for us. It is for the kingdom of God and we will be taking back what the enemy has stolen.

God has shown me a great analogy for this trip. He showed me that Bible College was my “basic training” and the World Race will be my “specialized training” for me going into full-time missions. This is the call that God has placed on my heart since just before or during high school. Already I have been to Haiti twice, the Philippines and Uganda. On the World Race I will be going to India, Nepal, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Latvia, Estonia, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam. I will spend a month in each country with a team of 5 or 6 other people.

Right now in my life I am working in Grande Prairie at B-Green Irrigation. I am a service tech that fixes broken in-ground sprinkler systems. I really enjoy my job most days. The people I get to work with are really great and I get paid to work out side and get a tan. I have also been leading the young adults group at my church for the summer while the pastor is taking a break. He will be back leading in the fall. This has been a great learning experience and been a lot of fun to put into practice everything I have learned the past 3 years at school.

I am a truly blessed man and really love the life I get to live in this short time on earth. My relationship with Jesus is growing everyday. He is the reason I live. Without Him, I am nothing. I desire to bring Him glory in whatever way He leads me. So whether that is working with a shovel, sitting in a class room, writing papers, or traveling the world, I have joy in my heart because I am doing it with Jesus. There is nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ.

If you would like to follow my journey over the next year, click the “Follow Me” button at the top left hand side of the screen. You will receive all my blog updates via email. I will also be posting my blogs on Facebook. I am excited for this journey and hope you are excited for me. For Christ and Christ alone, let His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

-Jordan Tarant