So. I did the squad leading thing! I flew back to American January 4th and after having a couple days of debrief with all the leaders from the August launch, I found myself  in America.


Not gonna lie, transition is always hard, and I think that it should be. You should feel the tension of cherishing the past season, hoping for the next, and figuring out the new you fits in the new community (even if it’s the same community you left.)


I’m overjoyed that the Lord has abundances of grace, because I realized that it was hard a couple days (okay a week) after I started responding to the hard and letting it define me, instead of living as one who’s empowered to decide my own actions and reactions. 

So I spent two weeks doing a lot of resting, a lot of researching (because that’s how I procrastinate) and then finally getting around to processing, journaling, and doing my vision board for 2018.

 On a completely unrelated note, Molly got a new collar because another dog ATE her’s at daycare. Yes, ate the whole thing aside from the buckles…. 


I’m actually sitting in a coffee shop in the Chiang Mai airport in Thailand as I type this up! My squad has debrief in Nepal starting on the 28th but my dad and brother are in Thailand so I left a couple days early to hang out with them. Fun fact, my dad came to Thailand to visit me on my initial world race!


After I hang with them I’ll be flying over to Nepal to lead a debrief for the squad I just led. 



Remember how I said I was doing lots of researching?! WELLLLL I’m super excited because I’M GOING TO BE HIKING THE BASE CAMP OF EVEREST! Ever since I found out that I would be going to Nepal I’d tossed around the idea. 


But wait, it gets even better. We decided to open it up to the squad and see if anyone would be interested in hiking with me! SO, me and 5 of my v squad friends will be hiking Feb 4th-15th! It’s a 14 day hike up to Base Camp 1. I’m super jazzed to see what the Lord does in each of our individual lives as well as those we meet along the way!



I’m currently in the brainstorming stage of what beyond the next couple months is going to look like. Staying with Adventures in some capacity is definitely on the table. I’ll keep you updated as I figure things out!


Here’s to an adventure filled next month! As always THANK YOU for being a part of this journey.