Month one of our race is an all squad month meaning that all 56 of us are in one location. Here is the low-down!

Where we’re at: Selment, India in the Manipur region. We’re actually in an all-evangelized town with the locals coming from more of the region of China many years ago. It’s pretty opposite of all my expectations of what India was going to be like but it’s been so fun!

Who we’re partnering with:  An organization called Bibles for the World. Here in India they run a seminary, hospital, and a child sponsorship program.

Living Situations: Since this is an all-squad month we’ve been moving around a little. For the first week my team stayed in the guest rooms on the top floor of the seminary. We had western toilettes, running water and electricity (only at certain times). For the second week we’ve been staying in these bamboo bungalow-huts. They have the sweetest front that lays down for a porch during the day. Our ministry designed these huts WITH electricity; however, we have a nice squatty potty to use out back.

Food: We’ve been so spoiled with amazing (and not spicy!) food, a lot of rice and meat curry. We’ve also had cheese bread (grilled cheese), oatmeal, and tea/coffee every morning.

What we’re doing:  Due to the all-squad month thing, we’ve been shifting ministries pretty much every day. So far my team has done: VBS, manual labor (sweeping a roof, hauling cement etc.), assisted with world vision health checks, and kitchen duty. Our ministry host wants us to experience a wide range of ministry so that’s kind of unique for normal months.

Favorite moment: I’ve had the chance to run almost every morning and see nooks and crannies of the town we’re staying in (thanks time a zillion to Olivia for being my run buddy!). Today while we were running we were chased by 5 kids and two fat, corgi-like, dogs.

Fun fact for this month: Grandma and grandpa are pronounced poo-poo and pee-pee. (Yes, for real.)

We only have internet once a week and our host have asked us not to post pictures because it takes up too much bandwidth so stay tuned in about 12 days when we head off to Nepal for pictures J