Welcome to my first update since Guatemala!

I’ve changed a little over the past several months. Below left is me in Guatemala and on the right is how I look now.

me after 1 month   Me during month 3!

If you look close, you might be able to tell that I haven’t shaved in some time. I also don’t shower every day or have much of a schedule. And in the past two weeks my team has moved five times. Whew! What a raggamuffin!

Though I look wild on the outside, on the inside I am more content and joyful than ever before in my life. The most incredible things are bubbling to the surface of my heart. For instance, speaking with a squadmate on a bus last month I said, “I’m not worried about my future. I trust God.”

Seconds later, my eyes filled with tears. Because at that moment I saw that the old Zach from 2013 wasn’t the same Zach sitting down right then. I’ve relinquished my life to Christ. I am not in control, but I feel like nothing can ever move me from this rock of joy.

I’d like you to share this peace with me. Tell me, have you released control of your life? Or do you still sit on the proverbial throne?

If you are worried about releasing control, then let me ask a question: how’s your life been with yourself in charge? 

If your doing just fine than go ahead and ignore this next part. But if you feel ready to experience something new, then I’d like to offer you a no-pressure alternative. Take a moment to consider that God is real, and He dearly loves you, and He died on a cross to prove it (see God’s word – Romans 5:8). Now close your eyes and speak these words, “God, if you’re there, I want to know you. Please reveal yourself to me.”

Open your eyes and wait. God isn’t trying to hide, you see. He’s just waiting for an invitation.

Please let me know how God works in you. Expect Him to answer! This is where the real journey begins 🙂

Though life is busy on the race, I haven’t failed to take note of all the roses. Coming soon-ish: a blog of all my random thoughts and musings since beginning the race! Also, a blog highlighting the most memorable moments thus far!

