Jumping Right In With Gap N


There are nine guys on Gap N. They have four awesome women squad leaders (SQL’s). SQL’s are people who have already done the World Race and now going back to pour into the current racers. They help with the process of leaving everything behind as they know it to pursue and share Christ. That process encompasses a lot! SQL’s are great people who once again are sacrificing a lot to come alongside the next generation of racers. 

As a result of Gap N not having male SQL’s, they were not sure if they would be given a “Manistry” month. Manistry is a month where all the men from a squad live separate from the rest of the squad to do ministry together. As a result of separating them by gender, there are topics that men and women feel more comfortable discussing among themselves. It’s also a great month for the men to form a deeper bond with each other & seek discipleship from the men around them. 

Gap N’s Squad Mentor, Deborah Jones, approved me to join her squad on the field making Manistry a possibility again. Manistry takes a lot of logistics because it creates some shifts in the squad. The men leave their teams for the month, live in separate housing, and receive different ministry. All of those things and then some take quite a bit of planning from those in the office.

I am officially in day 3 of Manistry with Gap N and I am having a great time! These nine young men are a blessing to be around. They are very mature, driven, and have such a love and passion to pursue God. So far Cambodia has been chilly at night and hot in the afternoon all in all just fine! 


Below is a short video of Ashlin, who spent time on the field with Gap N, encouraging the team and telling them a little about me and how she my Peoples!  



Love & God bless 


Rafael Robles