Rafael Robles – Born and raised in beautiful Southern California!

Fan of the: Lakers, Dodgers, Saints, & Clippers. Yes Lakers and Clippers – root root for the home team(s).

Some places I’ve traveled to:

  • New York  
  • Bogota Colombia
  • New Orleans for a Saints game, Go Saints
  • San Francisco
  • West Virginia
  • Puerto Rico
  • Washington D.C.
  • Paris France
  • Haiti
  • last but not least Atlanta & Tennessee for WR camp

I grew up attending catechism at a local Catholic church like many of my hispanic brothers and sisters.

Later on in life I didn’t attend any church regularly for nearly a decade.

I became a Christian – giving my life to Christ roughly 7 years ago.

My first impression of walking into my church for the first time so many years ago was “Whoa this preacher is so real!”

First missions trip was in July of this year to Haiti. God revealed himself to me in so many new and incredible ways. There’s nothing like witnessing the Holy Spirit in action! When I was in Haiti I felt a constant peace about being away from home and doing kingdom work. To me THIS is what Christianity is all about.

Not filling in a seat at church every week. Though I love church and hearing the word of God preached and taught by so many great pastors. We are all called to GO.

Go and spread God’s word – walk in love – heal the sick – cast out demons – take care of the poor and orphans – to name a few.

John 14:26 – “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”

If we are meant to live a comfortable life why would we need a comforter…