Out of all the questions people ask when they hear what I’m doing next year, the most common ones have to do with what I’m afraid of.

     “There’s diseases! You could die!”
     “You hate bugs. How will you survive sleeping next to them every night for a year?”
     “You don’t eat rice or beans…aren’t you going to starve?”
     “WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS?”(that’s my brother; I think I’ve told that story in almost every one of my past posts)

     All of the above are true. Especially about the food. As much as I freak out about spiders, I’m even worse than that when I’m hungry.
     But most of the time, I forget those other things.

     It isn’t that I’m not afraid of cat-sized cockroaches, and getting sick, and forcing myself to eat rice(because trust me, I am), it’s that I’m more afraid of living a safe, comfortable, predictable, adventureless life. I’m more afraid of little boys and girls wandering the streets never knowing that Jesus loves them.
     And I’m much more afraid of missing out on God’s plan for me.

     The uncomfortable things will only last for 11 months; the results will last for eternity.
     If just one person comes to know Jesus because I gave up my easy life for a while, that’s worth more than any amount of cheeseburgers or holidays at home or showers without things crawling in them. 🙂