The title could have been, "The one with the 9 important things that I learned from 9 different people, couples, or groups and not necessarily going in that order." But I decided that it was a few words too long. In this post I would like to introduce you to the 9 people, couples, or groups that have impacted my life greatly. Whether I know these people as family, the closest of friends, or even the briefest encounters, each one means the world to me. These aren't necessarily in order and I wish I could include more but I'm afraid that it might get too long and bore you! 


1. Juan Zendejas "Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.." Proverbs 24:16 
I've only known this guy for about twoish years but in that twoish time, he has become as close as a brother. Juan is Mexican, a total hipster, and if you could see Man of God in a person, it would be him. He has one heck of a testimony too(as well as everyone else). This last September he followed God's calling on his life to serve our country as an army medic. What a sacrifice! He is going to blessed ten-fold for following God's calling so willingly! That scripture up there is what he has taught me. I've read it many times before I met Juan but when he talked me through it I really understood the gravity of God's grace and mercy. Before Juan left he wrote the scripture on my Hydro Flask that I'm taking with me on the World Race. I am so grateful for him and everything he's doing. 

2. Stefan Jones "And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.” Job 2:3 
Stefan Michael Jones is my very best friend. Whenever we hangout I feel like we are Joey & Chandler. 

But it is so much better! I went to college with Stefan for a solid four months and they were the best. Being able to go two doors down (no pun intended) and just talk about God forever was such a blessing. And then when Stefan would be studying for too long and he would come to my room and just walk around and play with all of my stuff while distracting me. We had as much fun as we were serious with each other. This awesome guy taught me to confess when you fall. And building up on Juan, a righteous man will rise again. Stefan is very much a righteous man. 

3. Trinie Johnson & Kalie Young "And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14
Mrs. Johnson is me ma and Ms. Young is me sister. They have always been my biggest fans of everything that I do and I couldn't be more thankful for that! They are also freaking crazy funny! I can always make sure that I have a fun time with these two mighty women. As well as with my niece and nephew!  
It's actually really funny because Liam and Juliessa's brother-sister relationship is just like mine and my sisters when we were younger. Kalie was obviously the sassy queen/princess (don't hit me later for saying that). I was the serious brother who was always smiling. These two kids have brought such joy into my life! Me and my sister have probably a billion stories of our hilarious wrong doings as well as hilarious stories of us surprisingly not doing anything wrong. It's been very fun slowly telling my mom the things that we used to do because she had no idea. My mom and sister have taught me to love unconditionally

4. Miguel Vasquez "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105
I love this guy! Miguel Angel Vasquez is so awesome that he put Jesus Christ as his #ManCrushMonday! Over these last few years we have meshed together as brothers. He has been the number one person that I could count on for always being there for me. I've been able to witness a young man go through many hardships and still hold on to his morals. This has been a blessing itself to see just how much someone can love God. He has recently left to begin his basic training in the National Guard. I'm going to miss his a freaking lot but I know he is in perfect hands. Guel taught me to never give up. There is still hope even in the worst situations. 

5. The Maggiora Brothers "Fruitful and acceptable worship begins before it begins." – Alexander MacLaren 
These two mighty men of God are two people whom I look up to more and more everyday even though I barely see them. I first met Jordan (left) at a summer camp in his home church when I was 16 I believe. Since then I've had brief encounters with him including going to a Jesus Culture conference with him and another friend of ours. At this conference I saw just how much he absolutely loved the Lord and wanted to do nothing but glorify Him. Jordan eventually went on to intern under Pastor Judah Smith in Seattle, WA and I couldn't be happier for him as well as be jealous that he got to play tennis with freaking JUDAH SMITH!!! But I miss that guy and I have a huge amount of faith that he is doing some amazing things. As for Johnnnn.. I can't remember how I met him (please don't kill me for forgetting!). I had brief encounters with Johnnnn as well but I was able to spend more quality time with him. From seeing him lead worship one night to having a day in Bend with him and Juan. Many people will say this, and so will I, that Johnnnn is the most humble guy I know. Johnnnn is now at the Art Institute of Portland and you have got to see his stuff! Check out his are page here. These two awesome guys have taught me to never cease when it comes to worshipping God. 


6. The Fox's "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." Luke 6:40 
Where do I begin with these two?! Curtis and Cami Fox have been like my second set of parents. When there were problems going on in my home the Fox's welcomed me in with open arms. They have helped me grow so much is such a short time! Curtis has been my number one mentor practically since I moved in when I was 16. He is absolutely hilarious, loves tv shows, games, & movies that I love, and he has taught me more than I would ever know about computers/electronics! Cami is the same way! But Curtis always thinks me and her team up because we are both redheads. I kind of think that all redheads have a certain bond that makes them naturally team up though.. In some of the hurts of my childhood I've put up a giant wall of masks to prevent me from expressing my emotions so I won't get hurt. Curtis and Cami have helped me take down the bulk of the wall. All that is standing now is a few bricks that I just need to get up and throw them away. The Fox's taught me to be open and honest with my life. Boy oh boy has it been so much better to be myself. 

7. Aunt Katie "It is His joy that remains in us that makes our joy full." – A.B. Simpson 
Oh my dear Aunt Katie. How I love her so mucho! I'm pretty sure that we first met at my birth but I'm not for sure. She has always been the most joyful person ever to be around! Our humors are always on the exact same page so there's never a dull moment. I have heard countless stories on the mischievous things that me and my sister did with my aunt and uncle when they were just dating. From going crazy hyper in the movies to breaking my neck whenever I got mad. Since I've given my heart to the Lord we now have some awesome conversations about how good God is and how much He loves us. She has even told me the greatest proposal ideas for my future wife. My Aunt has taught me to live on the joy of the Lord for that is your strength. 


8. Alex(sis) Penaloza "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11 
Alexsis Penaloza is the living image of continually growing a fire for God. I met Alex originally in High School during tennis tryouts my junior year. During a round robin tournament I kicked his butt (barely) but we both made it to varsity. I didn't have a true friendship with this guy until I came home in January, 2013. He was the worship leader and intern for the youth ministry at my home church. Through this I immediately recognized a leader who was more in love with the Lord than anything. I went with Alex, Juan, and my church's youth pastor John David to check out the Portland Bible College campus. When we left I knew that I was more excited than any of them for this college. But soon it was Alex who was more excited. Once we had the tour and ended the day, Alex knew that this is exactly where God wanted him to go after High School. He's now at PBC pursuing a Bachelor of Theology with a Worship Ministry emphasis and I couldn't think of a more perfect path for him. When Alex left for college I knew he was SO ON FIRE for God! But every time I talk with him since he left it has multiplied each time and he's only been gone for two months! Alexsis taught me that being on fire is never enough.

9. Gage Beemish "..a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.." Ecclesisastes 3:7 
Gage Beemish used to be a roommate of mine and to this day he was probably my favorite. As I wrote this I had to really think about it because we were so different. But Gage was always the most accepting person in my life. He accepted that I made mistakes, that I am a sinner, and that I can be very mean if I get the slightest upset. When I left college in January, 2013 I felt so discouraged and almost embarrassed. But when I told Gage the reasons that I left he didn't tell me I was an idiot for messing up and didn't even make a change in the way he looks at me. No one did tell me those things but for some reason Gage's loving attitude meant more to me than what anyone has ever said or did to make me feel better. Gage embraced me as someone who sins. Maybe God made me see this guy more than others for some reason. Whatever it is, I'm blessed to know him. This man has such great Godly traits that he uses in his everyday life. Gage has taught me to accept everyone before even knowing them. 

There you have it! I wanted to include so many more but I couldn't! Anyone else would be the Bates, Waite's, Willoughby's, Cloud's, Jeremy Hocker, Tyler Hayes, Hans Moeller, and a lot more! I love each of these people here so much and am so thankful for everything they have blessed me with. 

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Also! Please let me know if you have prayer requests or just want to go out to coffee!