This month our team is focusing on on finding and sharing about unsung heroes in Cambodia.  This post is part of an 11-blog series about our efforts.

Sam Raguingan. 

It’s not that the words he speaks are that different from the ones I’ve heard from pulpits and podcasts.  It’s that the weight of his words is amplified because of what he’s saying with his life.  

An English School with 1200 students that was converted from a brothel 10 years ago

A girl’s home and orphanage with 26 girls

A Bible School

15 Outreaches to villages

A wife and 3 kids

When those who sent him to Cambodia stopped supporting him, God did not abandon him.  When the call on his life was bigger than he could deal with, God expanded him. In dark hours and in the face of real threats he held on and waited for God to come through. And now he has memories of the faithfulness of God that still brings tears to his eyes. 

He confesses that he gets tired; that there is much work, but not many workers and the ministry continues to expand.  Last year’s English camp had 300 students, this year it was 550.  People become believers, mature into disciples and start to hear the call to leadership, so he began a Bible school.  Enrollment increased, so he built another building.  He’s not currently funded or sponsored by an organization but somehow God continues to provide.

As we’ve gone around town we’ve found that people know him.  He’s touched so many lives over 10 years he can’t recognize them all anymore.  He’s sat with everyone from the governor to poor villagers. 

Looking at his life you can see someone who acts justly, loves mercy and walks humbly before God. A man whose life tells the story of a good God, who does not give up in the fight to restore His people and draw them to Himself.  


ps. I accidentally skipped one. Here is Unsung Heroes #6: It's Not About the Numbers by Josh Mackey.