“Why are you going back out…again?” This has been the question that my family and friends have been asking me. I have to admit I couldn’t really give them a “solid response” at least not the one that we as humans tend to want and look for, the proof, the why, the true reason…
I was at my aunt and uncle’s house for one of our family lunches after church one Sunday (one of my favorite things my family does), we were talking and then my grandma looked at me and I could tell that she was sad–although she wouldn’t admit it. I turned to her and said “What is it grandma?” she replied “Oh nothing, nothing, you got to do what Jesus asks you to do. Maybe next time though you can stay around longer…”
You’ve got to know I love my family, they mean so much. I love Colorado. I love my friends. I love so many things about America in general. But, God continues to say “go!” And so I go. I go out blindly it feels, with no true understanding other than surrender. Surrender and obedience.
As Paul wrights in Romans 11:
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
“For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”
“Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”
For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be glory forever. Amen.”
Oh Paul…took the words right out of my mouth. For the depths of the riches, wisdom and knowledge of God is so deep! I cannot know His judgments and His ways, because I sure the heck don’t know His mind or thoughts…believe me I wish I did. I wish I could know the outcome, the whys, the how comes. I share the same sentiment as David in Psalm 139:17-18, “How precious are Your thoughts oh God, how vast the sum of them. Were I to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand…”
Everything seems a bit scattered as of late, going in a direction I hadn’t seen coming. But praise Him, seriously, because He sees further and wider than I ever could! And when life’s pieces appear scattered and not coming together as I had imagined, or thought, thank goodness, that God is for me and not against me (Romans 8:31). He is ever patient and enduring. He is gracious and slow to anger. He will continue to be faithful in bringing about all that He has promised for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) even when I may ask “why” or state “that doesn’t make sense…” to Him for the umpteenth billionth time.
God can be trusted. Over and over and over again.
With trust knowing full well that the work He began will be seen through to completion, and I know that this moment, this time is where He wants me to be…back out squad leading for a third time. I don’t have the whys, or answers other than I have a passion and zeal for people to know in further depth their identity in Christ, the passions/giftings He has put in them and for them to go out and give Him away, and community. More so, I go because I trust Him and what He is asking of me.
Will you go with me? Will you come alongside His asking and pray over M-Squad? We will be going to Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, Lebanon, Jordan/Israel, and Georgia. I am looking for more to join me in going out and making disciples through this avenue of Squad leading. Will you consider becoming a monthly supporter and help bring Kingdom to the men and women on M-Squad and those we encounter along the way?
If a yes, then click here to financially support, one time or monthly donations are greatly appreciated. I am currently almost at 50% of being fully funded with monthly supporters! Praises and many thanks to those that have already donated!
If you do not believe that the Lord is asking you to donate, but to follow along and become part of my prayer team there are two ways you can stay informed. First, this blog, make sure that you are subscribed. Second, is my monthly newsletter and you can sign up for that here.
I am excited, nervous, and expectant for what God has for myself, my team, M-Squad, and what is after this, because you better believe its going to be good!