Take note: This blog is actually a sermon of sorts that I preached to a community in Cambodia I know a few months late but better late than never…I pulled it out when the Lord was telling me to share it with a community of women here in Japan so I thought its a good of time as any to share it with you all.

1.) I use to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes! God is standing at the door knocking and you need to choose to let him in and when you do its you saying “yes” to him!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” -Revelation 3:20

God comes into you and joins you in each and every step that you take! He never leaves you but helps you.


2.) Lets take a look at Moses for a minute:

   God chose Moses to lead and yet he kept fighting God because he couldn’t speak; he thought that no one would follow someone who stutters. But, God overcome that excuse and provided Aaron for Moses so that he could step into the destiny that God wanted him to.


A question that I have for you then is, how many times have you made an excuse when God calls you and asks you to do something? I think that at the root of all our excuses is fear. We are afraid because we feel like we aren’t fit for the job, don’t like the situation, or that God won’t come through.


3.) Something to ask yourself is are you afraid to let God use you? In Romans 8:15 Paul writes “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”


Because you have received a spirit not of fear you no longer have to live in fear of God’s calling; for you are His son and daughter and He would never let any of His children fall.


4.) Now lets take a quick look at Joseph:

   He had dreams that he didn’t understand and when he shared them his brothers sold him into slavery. His life had many ups and downs and I’m sure he had his moments of fear. And yet God was with him and used him to become second in command in Egypt! God used him and put him in a place to save many lives.


5.) God is always trying to save lives, and it seems he usually uses the least likely people to do it: Moses, Joseph, Peter, all the apostles and he even uses us!


For me when I was first asked to be a team leader I was first in shock that I was picked because I saw so many other people who would be amazing leaders! I usually also saw myself as a “wall flower” leader; where I am there as a leader but in a supporting role and never in the limelight as it were. I was scared, afraid and so unsure that I would mess up, I would fail and ruin every ones time on the World Race. But I felt God telling me that he wanted me to step up and just trust him and so I said yes!


Because of that I cannot begin to tell you how much growth that has happened in my life because of that simple word “yes.” God took my fear and made it into something beautiful and pushed me to new heights that he could only accomplish.


I’ve learned that when you know God is calling you to do something even if its hard, challenging, scary, and requires you to take courage; just say YES! Because God uses you where you are at.


6.) Fear attacks us where we are created, and where God calls us is where we will have the most fear because evil fears us when we walk into our destiny. Don’t fear the calling God has placed on your life, embrace it, say yes and He will provide all you need.


7.) Because you have God inside of you, you are no longer a slave to fear! Take courage for you can never be separated from God and His all encompassing love! I think Paul writes it best in Romans 8: 37-39 “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor height, nor depth, nor anything in all of creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God!”


8.) You have been created for a reason and a purpose and you don’t have to be special for God to use you, He uses the ordinary for the extraordinary! So, don’t be afraid to step into your destiny! The next time that you feel God telling you to do something, no matter how big or how small it may be say yes because you never know what is up his sleeve!