Our Story:

We met while Rachel was starting graduate school and Michael was in a town nearby working at a grocery store. We met at a county fair and really hit it off. We spent the rest of the week together, but Rachel wasn't sure she wanted to start a new relationship at that time. Michael talked her into it and we have been together ever since.

We have been married since April 25, 2009. So by the time we are on the race well will have been married 4 years and will actually celebrate our 5th anniversary in Bulgaria. We currently live in the town of Good Hope, Illinois with the massive population of 400 people. We live with our 2 dogs, Pete and Phoebe.




Michael's Story: (Or at least Rachel's version of it)

Michael grew up in the town of Anamosa Iowa. He was a middle child with 2 brothers. His mother stayed at home with him and his brothers and his dad worked at a factory. He grew up Catholic, but has since become a non-denomination Protestant. He grew up with family vacations traveling into the western US and camping the whole way, never having a definitive plan. Despite all his travels, he had never been on a plane until we got married.

He spent a large part of his childhood involved with the boy scouts, eventually gaining the honor of eagle scout. He was never into team sports, but wrestled and ran cross-country (he's one of those crazy people that like's to run) in high school, and was given the opportunity to do so in college, however did not accept it.

He has taken several courses in college, however has not received a degree, with his coursework being in computers. He thoroughly enjoys working on computers, especially building them. He also has a strange passion for produce, and is therefore very into gardening. He is a man of may interests and fortunately for me, he is interested in cooking and cleaning. In the end what made me fall in love with him was the fact that he was just the nicest, most genuine guy I had ever met.


Rachel's Story: (From Michael's perspective)

Rachel has one brother. Her dad is a pastor and she grew up in a church. In High school she was very shy. She played volleyball and softball. Rachel knew exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up, which was a physical therapist. When she left high school she developed a plan and went on to pursue this goal. Rachel is a big planner. This is a theme throughout her life.

The college she decided on was St Ambrose University in Davenport Iowa. There Rachel developed many friendships. During each stage of college she always kept a close circle of friends. She cherishes close relationships as opposed to many unfamiliar acquaintances.

During her last year of undergrad she started grad school. That is correct, she was finishing up undergrad during the same time she was starting grad school. In 2007 she graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology, and in 2008 she received her Doctor of Physical Therapy. She is a very smart, hard working woman. I can not imagine going to grad school let alone doing what she did. Rachel was also in a bible study during this time.

Rachel is logical and very loyal when she says that she is going to do something she does it. When she makes a promise she has not just given you a statement. Rachel has given you a declaration that has been weighed and tested against every scenario that could possibly break that promise. She has calculated the risk and taken on the guarantee of the promise.

A few random Rachel facts. She can do the Rubik's cube in under two minutes and she loves to plan. On our wedding day I was handed a spreadsheet in the morning that instructed me as to what I was doing and where in 15 minute intervals.

I have never questioned Rachel's faith. I have always seen her love for Jesus. This is what I love most about her. She is real, very loving and caring. I never have to question her.