Here's a few answers to some questions I've been getting lately.

1. What on earth are you doing?
-it's this crazy trip called the World Race. Long story short, we sleep in a tent, don't shower and only carry around a backpack in order to learn to "lay down our lives" of normal, American things and to erase distractions while we learn to see more of God in the world and what He's doing. A year of abandonment, similar to how the disciples left EVERYTHING to follow Jesus- except we get to bring a backpack of stuff ๐Ÿ™‚ Our mission is to share the gospel and get into the stories of people's lives around the world. Every story is worth hearing and being a part of- we're just trying to get out of our own mindset and into the hearts & needs of others to learn my life isn't about me- it's about the Kingdom.

2. Where the heck are you going?
ROUTE CHANGE! ๐Ÿ™‚ Woohooo it seems route changes are frequent and inevitable due to lots of security factors so… in order for the next 11 months:
China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda!

3. When do you leave?
September 10th!! We head to training in Georgia on September 6th- so that's goodbye to friends and family for a while. But goodbye to the old USA on the 10th!

4. Why go?
I KNOW The Lord has called me to go. It's been so evident and I've heard Him so clearly tell me I need to learn what it likes to trust Him with my whole life. So here's to jumping into faith with both feet! Around the world with Jesus!

5. What do your parents and family think?
To be honest- they hate it. ๐Ÿ™‚ They're just going to miss me a LOT. But they have been an incredible source of encouragement as I learn to grow into the woman that God has created me to be and trust the plan that He has for me. It's something we each have to learn someday, so my family and friends have been my biggest fans, supporting financially and prayerfully every step of the way. I wouldn't be going without them by my side (metaphorically).

6. What are you going to be doing?
World Racers go onto the mission field expecting literally anything. The most common forms of ministry are helping orphanages, working with church plants and small church communities, or helping host families with work around farms and such. Other racers have found themselves building, planting, goat herding, walking around sharing the gospel door to door or helping rescue human trafficking victims. The options are limitless- whatever God's doing is where we want to be.

7. What country are you most excited for?
China & Malaysia! Don't know why, but I've got a good feeling about them.

8. What are you going to miss the most?
Obviously my friends and family. But I'll miss chips and salsa the most…

9. What are you most nervous about?
Bugs. I hate bugs. Don't want to see them, touch them, don't want them to bite me and I really don't want to eat them… it's gonna be a long year.

10. Can we get in touch with you?
Yes!! The best way will be to follow my blog (that you're already on!) But I'll be able to email and skype (and wifi text over viber) while I'm gone. I'll also be tweeting and instagraming!
Email: [email protected]
Skype: Kaylaynn McAdams
Viber: 214.718.7048
Twitter/Instagram @kaylaynn