We went on a prayer walk around the little village we were staying at. We had the opportunity to pray for random people, but my favorite was by far an elderly couple. They were members of the church, but were too sick to leave there home for more than a year. They both deal with dizzy spells and shaking. They also have had many other physical ailments, from heart, stomach, and head issues. 

                    (Praying in sweet couples home)                                 (Their granddaughters 🙂

           (A sweet lady we prayed over)                                 (Such a gentle and kind man of God)

They then began to blatantly tell us about the spiritual warfare that has gone on. In fact, I feel weird writing it because I question who will believe what I'm saying. He told us how Satan asked to be his friend, and so he started praying in the spirit. She told us how she has woken up and physically been oppressed and
not able to get up or even open her eyes, until she has said the name of Jesus. 

The pastor told us of how God has used this amazing couple in the past. They both have such a hunger and love for God. You can hear the passion they have for Him in their voice and see it in the tears they shed when they praise His name. We've felt the spiritual warfare ourselves, feeling attacked the last year especially.
And we've heard so many stories being over here, that again, many Americans wouldn't even believe.

However, it is real. It is in the Bible, but we many times think it was more for in the past. We forget what might be going on in the spiritual realm. We need to pray because they are powerful. Read Daniel if you need persuading. When Drew started praying for this couple and over their house, it brought the house DOWN! The Holy Spirit was there and His presence was almost tangible for me. There is victory in Jesus name and we have spiritual authority when we abide in Him. 

Crazy how Satan works and how so many, even many non-believers, know his power, but how crazy is it that our God's power makes Satan look like a wimp. How cool is it that we can walk in confidence that whatever we are going through that "He who is in us is more powerful than he that is in the world"! Whatever you are going through, hang in there! God is our Deliverer, our Healer, the Lover of our souls, our Provider, our Redeemer, our Counselor, Comforter, and He holds the whole world in His hands and He is for you! Eek! Isn't that exciting?!

I'm more reminded than ever to put on the full armor of God as it says in Ephesians 6. So thankful that we have His Word to stand on! (Just think… how blessed are we? There are 2,000 languages that do not have a Bible in their language yet!) So today, I will choose to press more into His word! I will pray and intercede as much as I can, because for some insane reason-He hears me, and has chosen to you me in this way! And I will have praise on my lips because of all the wonderful things He has done and is doing! 

"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31