The first week in Bulgaria we stayed in a hostel, our entire team in one room with one poor stranger, haha. Awesome pros were that it had hot showers, a kitchenette so we could cook our own food, got to sleep on beds/couches inside where we could walk to the bathroom that had real toilets. Cons were that it was out of our budget(but it was so last minute it was literally the only thing available), there was no air conditioner and lots of mosquitoes, and for us old married folk..well…we were in a room with
6 other people! ha! 

Our team discussed what our week would look like and we decided the first half of the days we would spend looking up ministries for unsung heroes and the second half going on prayer walks and meeting up with ministries. So we started out our first day with personal time with Jesus, breakfast, and prayer together. We quickly started researching all ministries we could find online in all of Bulgaria- churches, orphanages, ministry with Roma (gypsy) people etc.

After lunch we headed out on our first prayer walk. We just walked as we felt led having no clue where we were going, but just praying over the city. Praying for the people we walked by, the officials (we were there during the protest against the corrupt government), the city and for revival in all of Bulgaria. As we felt led we would pray with people. 

(Orthodox church in Sofia)                                              (Cutest lady ever) 

(Underground on prayer walk )                         (Cutest man ever-ok, sry you can't see his face, ha)

(lady feeding the the pigeons) 

Walking up to an Orthodox church we passed a sweet Roma (gypsy) lady and I asked her if I could pray for her. She said yes and was so sweet and thankful. Going into the church and seeing so many kissing the icons and lighting candles, I prayed that each one would know Jesus Christ personally. That they would know they can go straight 
to God, Himself because Christ died for that purpose. I prayed they would know they do not need saints to pray for them-but can go to the source Himself. 

I prayed for all their needs to be met and that God would reveal Himself in an amazing way and that there would be a revival. While we were there we met two ladies who had family swimming in the deaflympics. You could tell they loved them so much and wanted them to win so they would have what they worked so hard for. In fact, we prayed with them and they both cried, out of just wanting it so bad for their family. 

They invited us to join them that night. It is free and about 45 minutes away, if you walk. So we decided to walk that way during our walk. We prayed for more sweet ladiies who were begging. I wish I could take them into my home and care for them, but all I can do is give food, pray for them and share Christ love with them, which is the best gift anyway. 

We also passed a young girl named Sveti (sp?) outside of a sex shop. Avery felt led to pray for her. I could tell she wanted to, so I said the worst that can happen is she say no. We asked and she said sure. So we prayed and even though we have a language barrier, I'm encouraged to know that number one-our one true God knows all 
languages and knows each one of us by name. He knows our needs and where we are at. He knows what that girl needs and has blessed us by using us to intercede on her behalf. Also, that love overcomes all language barriers


We went to the deaflympics and had so much for cheering for America, and encouraging our new friends. And God really blessed us by laying it on one of the ladies to support us. We pray she is as blessed by us as we were by her. Continue to pray for us and that we make ourselves available at all times to be used by Him. Furthermore, I challenge you look around and ask Jesus to show you opportunities He's giving you to share His love.