So we made it to launch! Eeek!!! It was really happening. We had only a few more days of training and we would be off. We had our own room in the hotel, hurray for married people! We had a lot of training and worship the next few days. We had practical training like safety, health, clean water, what to do in emergencies. We actually practiced what to do in emergencies and had to write down what we would do in certain situations. I love exercises like that-its challenging and makes you think. (I know you're thinking thank God, because we are nurses! Haha) 

(praying together at launch)

We had one dude,(clear throat, I mean MAN, excuse that I still talk like I'm in 3rd grade) train us in how to  know if someone is actually trafficked or not and what to do about it. He was the real deal. He was like Liam Neeson in Taken except more hardcore. He helps to shut down the sex trafficking networks so it helps shut down 
the problem, not just a symptom. So cool. He has helped more than 400 cases. He has been in shootings and  really risked his life to save so many. 

Drew and I had training on unsung heroes since we are leading that for our squad. We get to look for people that are doing things for the Lord that are unseen and tell their stories and potentially serve them in the future. 

I was not as excited about Albania because I had already researched Turkey and Ireland, and was having a hard time with Albania. Then all of a sudden at launch(talk about last minute) God placed this beautiful family in our laps practically. They were missionaries in Albania for about 6 yrs I think. They know everyone seems like. I got 5 pages of contacts from them and was just dorking out the entire time. They have such a love for Albania that it made me excited!!! They also have a daughter on another squad launching which is why they were there. Her and I hit it off quickly. A kindred spirit if I say so myself. 

(Sweet family that were missionaries in Albania for years 🙂

We were suppose to practice listening prayer. To go on an ATL (Ask The Lord) walk and go where He leads. I was nervous about this. Mainly because normally God doesn't give me stuff like this on demand. He may tell me to talk to someone, etc., but its usually random. So we started praying. One person said they felt like they were rocking but weren't. One person said they saw a rocking chair. One person said they saw a sail  boat. Immediately after she said she saw a sail boat, a leader said to the audience in the mic, "Sometimes our faith is like a sail boat" used an analogy that it may be rocky at first but that the Lord will guide us and we will be able to hear His voice more with practice. That was pretty wild. 

I thought I was seeing a specific girl in my head. But then again didn't know if I was picturing it or if it was really from the Lord. I was so scared to say it because I didn't KNOW that I KNOW it was from the Lord. I chose to say it anyways, what could it hurt. I saw a black young girl about 20ish years old in a white shirt. She was a slightly bigger than average. 

We started our walk. Everytime we would come to a crossing we would stop and pray and see which way we felt led to go. We talked to and prayed for 5 people throughout our journey. (I must go ahead and say, just to be honest, this is my least favorite type of ministry.) In my experience, street ministry or door to door is the least effective way to connect with people and really show people the love of the Lord and lead them to

Drew, Casey, and I prayed for a precious lady who was so thankful. I immediately repented of my lack of enthusiasm for having to do this exercise and putting God in a box that He couldn't use us as much in this way. It also was a team building/bonding experience. So anyways, we were almost back to the hotel, and sitting on the  porch with her friend, I saw her. She fit the description of the girl in my head. I was nervous when I saw her wondering how our conversation would go. 

Drew and I spoke to them, telling them that we were just out praying over the neighborhood and wanted to know if they had anything we could pray for. Most people always say "no, I'm good. Everything's fine. Thanks though." And actually, that was exactly her friend's response. However, she said, "Yes you can pray for me." She told us about her struggles and we talked about her relationship with the Lord. She was a believer, so we were able to just lift up a sister and go to our Daddy together in prayer. 

I wondered why I would have a picture just to have a small prayer for someone who already knew God. But I think that is the point. First of all, I can't help but continue to pray for her. Her name is Ariel and she is engrained in my head. Also, that is how sweet and personal the Lord is. He knew His child was struggling and it pleased Him to send His other kids out to lift up their sister and come to Him together. He wants His sons and daughters to know that they are worth more than rubies to Him. That everything going on in our lives, whether big or small, is important to Him because WE ARE HIS! 

I love that about MY JESUS! When we truly understand that He loves us like this, we cannot help but want to fall on our faces before Him. He is the best Daddy, Friend, and Lover of our Souls. Ahh! I encourage you to ask the Lord where He is working and to just ask Him to make you aware of what He is doing. He may blow your mind 🙂