My squad left Atlanta last Thursday afternoon.

We had a short(ish) flight to Detroit, where we had a 2 hour layover.

From there we flew about seven hours to Amsterdam, where we had another 2 hour layover.

Then on to Nairobi, Kenya, which was a seven hour flight followed by a 12 hour layover–we slept on the floor of the airport.

A two hour flight to Lilongwe, Malawi–and I got to see Mt. Kilimanjaro from the plane.

(Also, I fell absolutely in love with Africa here…as in: I was reduced to tears on the bus ride from the airport…it is incredible, and I love it.)

We bused all 46 of us to a hostel in Lilongwe, where we stayed the night (By bused I mean packed all of us and our packs into the equivalent of 3 minivans, just fyi).

The next day we spent the ENTIRE day getting from Lilongwe, Malawi to Chapata, Zambia. We got stuck at the border for literally hours, but the cool thing was:The customs officials saw me watching the soccer match on television through their office, and invited me to come sit in the office with them to watch the match. So I literally sat next to and talked soccer with customs officials while they stamped (or denied stamps to) the passports of border-crossers.

Half our squad had reached their ministry contact, but the rest of us had to press on still. So after a night at Mama Rula’s in Chipata, we took a seven hour bus ride to Lusaka, Zambia.

We stayed the night in Lusaka, and left one team behind to do ministry their while Team Meno and Team Without Boarders pressed ever forwards.

After another seven hour bus ride (on which we watched both an African Soap Opera, and Chuck Norris’ “Delta Force”…wut?), we finally arrived today in Livingstone, Zambia, where we will be doing door-to-door evangelism (mostly), and I will be preaching on Sunday morning (Please please pray!).

We have seen amazing things. We have slept in weird places. We have danced publicly and sang loudly. We have laughed uncontrollably, and we have grown incredibly.

Thursday to Tuesday of travel. It has been crazy and hard. But God has already been teaching me and growing relationships. I wish I had time on this stupid, purchased, public, cafe wifi to tell you stories of all the people we have met, ministered to and prayed with throughout this process.

God is doing amazing things and it is going to be an absolutely life-changing year. Thank you all for supporting me this far, and I pray that you continue to support me financially and prayerfully.

Special shout out to my family and anyone else who cares: I really miss you guys, but spare no time feeling sorry for me. You definitely are getting the worst of it. 

Also, I told some of you that I was reading “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”. Well it is incredible and has already addressed some deep identity issues I didn’t realize I was suffering from. So obviously, give it a read. And continually pray for me because I am starting a long long journey.God just chose to start here.

Lastly: I love you Daddy.