I would like to start by pointing out how much I utterly suck at naming my blogs, and then move on once all attention has been drawn to one of my many flaws….
Are we good now?
Oh Good!
So, I am basically an intern for the youth department of my Church. For Christmas, we wanted our students to focus on what Christ's birth was really about. See, I think (and I am sure you all agree) that we all tend to focus on gifts at Christmas time. I may argue that more people are focused on receiving rather than giving, and I would base my argument solely on their attitudes and actions, but either way, we focus on gifts–the giving and the getting. 
But is that what Christ's birth was about?
I mean, I get it. He was a gift. His life was a gift. His example was a gift. His death was a gift. His resurrection was a gift. And our salvation is a gift. 
But here's my perspective–flawed, uncouth, and a bit unorthodox (much like myself)–but in Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45 we see the same thing: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many"
Jesus–God in the Flesh, and King of Kings–did not come to be served. He came to serve. And he came to give his life as ransom for many. 
So At Christmas time, we asked our students to go to Mission Arlington in Arlington, TX and serve. We left on the 27th of December and we were back on the 31st. 
I'll leave the details and the stories for a later time, but needless to say, lives got transformed. For real though.
Anyway, all of the rambling you have put up with to now have just been back-story, I guess…If they have to do with the main story at all…
So the band that I am a part of (Alive By Sunrise) had a New Year's Eve show. 
When we were loading up for the show, they told me that they had had some World Race merch ordered so that they could sell it at our show completely to support me.
I couldn't think of anything other than that to say. How amazing that these awesome men of God–My brothers in life (Jonathan and David style, ya dig) love me and support me in such a cool way.
But they were all really frustrated, too, because the merch was supposed to be ready by Friday, and the show was on Monday, but somehow, come show time, the merch was still not ready.
This is one of those cases where it is totally the thought that counts. Whether the merch was ready not, I was still floored by the love of these brothers of mine. 
But they would not accept defeat. When we get to the show, they end up having me tell about the Race and what God has called me to from the stage–in the middle of the show! Then they announce that all the proceeds from our posters will go directly to fund me… Pretty awesome, right?
Oh, come on now, you know it didn't stop there… So After the show, this guy named Nathan Pepmiller (Check him out on Facebook to follow his trip–He's from Louisiana) told me about his story, and how God called him to Africa for 10 months, and he leaves January 30! My boy Nathan gave me insane amounts of encouragement by reminding me how crazy God's provision is. Nathan is almost fully funded, but he needs a little help to get there. I encourage you to add Nathan to your prayers as he follows God's Spirit to impact Africa, and I also encourage to not only pray for his trip and my trip, but ask God to show you how he is calling you to join us on these trips–through praying, giving, or straight up going!

After Nathan, a kid named Charlie Jr. came up to me. He was pint-sized at best, and at the oldest he couldn't have been more than 10, although my first guess might be closer to 7 or 8. Charlie comes up and sort of stammers some apology that this was all he had, but it was all that was left of his allowance, and he wanted me to have it because he "thinks its real cool" what I am doing and how I am following God.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Charlie Jr. gave me his last 2 dollars. 
There were tons more stories from the show last night, and tons more fans who were supportive and encouraging, but no one compares to these. These stories stood out above the rest for me. 
My new year was starting off, and I was a little skeptical of 2013. I mean, lets be real: I aint got nobody to kiss, I am loading up the band trailer in the rain, I am exhausted from the previous week's mission trip, and I have been worried about finances. But you know God. He's steady showing off. 
He placed my band brothers in my life to lift me up, support me and encourage me. I could not love them any more. They are all such Christ-like, loving, Spirit-filled men. Then God sends me encouragement and inspiration in the form of my boy Nathan, who reminded me that God will provide and that He is way bigger than this money. Nathan prayed a sick prayer over my life, future, and ministry as well. And lastly, God moved on the heart of Charlie Jr. to give his last two dollars to support the ministry God is calling me to. It is reminiscent of the woman who gave her last 2 pennies. Charlie Jr's gift is probably going to be the most important one to me. I need lots of support, primarily prayer, but secondarily funds. But to know that Charlie's heart is so much like God's heart that, at his young age, he would hand over the only 2 bucks he had so that he could be a part of the Kingdom's work in 11 countries is far better than proverbially rolling in the dough. 
Because here is the reality: Charlie is impacting 11 countries…with his very last 2 dollars!
And so I end this post the way it began: pointing out my flaws.
We took our students to Mission Arlington to teach them that we should serve others, giving our life for theirs, and thinking of them as better than ourselves. And yet somehow, God took me from there, put me at a concert, and humbled me even more. He showed me that I need to shut my face, and accept His gifts. I need to allow myself to be served. I need to appreciate the service of others and the gifts of others just as much as I appreciate serving them. And in all this, he reminded me of his enormity. God doesn’t see the money I need to raise as a hurdle. He sees it as a lame joke. It is nothing to Him. And thanks to my brothers in Alive By Sunrise, Nathan, and Charlie, I am already having a mind-blowingly blessed 2013.
Praise my first love, Elohim.