This is a post to all the racer's mommas…and momma's mommas…(and also for daddies)

So check this out. I was thinking the other day about the story of Samuel…His mother dedicated him to the Lord, and gave up her son (at the time, it was her only child). She gave him to the temple, and he lived a life of ministry. He served as a judge over Israel for an estimated 60 years, as he became the judge when he was 40, and is supposed to have lived 100 years. His 60 years as judge would suggest that he served as judge for nearly the entire reign of Saul, though he was surely dead before Saul's final battle, considering the whole Witch of Endor thing…

ANYWAY: What a Momma!!! First off, if you read 1 Samuel 1, you'll see that she was constantly provoked and irritated because she could not bare children. But she persisted even though things were tough. She persistently prayed, worshipped, sacrificed. She prayed so fervently that Eli, the priest, thought she was drunk. She asked the Lord for a son, and promised to devote him to ministry if, indeed, the Lord chose to bless her with one.

And obviously He did.

And obviously she did.

That takes a woman of true grit. She had tenacity. She had faith. Though the Word says she wept in bitterness of soul, she still believed the Lord could, and would, bless her with a son, and when he did, she honored her promise. 

Because she honored her promise, the Lord later blessed her with three sons and two daughters, but that isn't even the cool part.

Samuel anointed David to be King. David, through whose adultery with Bathsheba, Solomon was born, and, according to Matthew 1, ultimately the line of Jesus. And lets be real, that isn't the only cool thing Samuel did. If you read through 1 Samuel, you will see that this dude did some balling stuff with his life. The ripples of his ministry went right to the life of Jesus himself, and therefore touch our life.

What if Hannah wouldn't have trusted the Lord so wholeheartedly? What if she hadn't honored her promise and dedicated Samuel to the Lord? How would things be different? Would they be different? 

See, it is because of Hannah that Samuel was able to have such an exceptional ministry. Without the dedication and sacrifice of his mother, what would Samuel be?

So, Racers, go hug your mommas and your daddies. Thank them for the role they played in your lives, and their sacrifices to get you where you are. They have touched your ministry, and much of what you do on your race will somehow have been shaped by their hand in your life, and their dedication to bringing you up in the Lord. 

And to end: Shout out to my incredible earthly father, who has been the most amazing Godly example. You have made insane sacrifices for me and you have taught me so much. I could not be the man I am without such an example as you. I love you Dad.