As I continue to fundraise for this trip, I’ve started to notice a trend of questions. Some really great questions in fact! I’ve decided to create a blog post that answers some of these frequently asked questions. You may also have heard me reference some very specific World Race lingo. I’ve bolded those words so you are familiar with them as well.

Please be sure to subscribe to my blog so you always are up to date with what’s going on throughout this journey. Social media will be limited while I’m traveling but I will consistently be posting to this blog so you’ll want to be connected here! Just click the orange “Subscribe for Updates” button, enter your email and you’re all set. It’s really that easy! 

If you have any other questions please let me know! I’d be more than happy to share more about this journey with you and answer any questions you may have. 


Q: What is The World Race? 

A: The World Race is a program through ADVENTURES IN MISSIONS. It is an 11 month missions trip to 11 different countries. The World Race is a stretching journey to serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community. This unique mission trip is a challenging adventure for young adults to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it’s not about you; it’s about the Kingdom. Participants go through a thorough application and interview process. After being accepted, participants are able to choose a specific ROUTE.

My route is August Route 3:

Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras (Central America)

Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe (Africa)

Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia (Southeast Asia)


Q:Why are you raising $18,100? Where does the money go? When do you have to have all the money?

A: The cost of the route I’ve chosen is $18,100. This will cover all costs of travel and living abroad for the entire 11 months. This includes everything including food, lodging, travel medical insurance, air, land and sea travel. It also covers administrative, set up, coaching, debrief, and trainings costs prior to and at the start of the Race. All of this money goes directly to Adventures in Missions. Below are the fundraising deadlines I must meet in order to participate.

Due 5/18/2018     $5,000

Due 7/20/2018     $10,000

Due 9/30/2018     $13,000

Due 11/30/2018   $18,100


Q:What will you do about money on the race?

A: I am currently saving personal money (from my job and other side jobs) for spending money each month, emergency situations, small gifts for family/friends/hosts, and occasional adventures during my time-off. This money does not come from any donations received. Other personal expenses that are out-of-pocket include plane tickets to and from Training Camp in Georgia, gear (backpacks, tent, sleeping bag, compression packs…), vaccinations, plane ticket to launch in August, plane ticket home after the Race, etc.  


Q: What is Training Camp?

A: Approximately six to eight weeks before the Race begins, I will join my team, leaders and the World Race training staff for an eleven-day preparation camp in Gainesville, Georgia. The purpose of this is to get us ready for our trip around the world. We get the opportunity to get to know the World Race staff and get to know the members of our squad. Evangelism and cross-cultural ministry training, learning how to share our stories, and learning to live in close community and adapt to the unknown are just a few of the topics covered.


Q: Who are you going with?

A: My route consists of approximately 40-50 individuals ages 21-35. This is my SQUAD. As a squad, we will travel together to the same countries and meet-up for occasional debrief and leadership weekends. However, our ministry locations and work will differ. Upon arrival to a country, we will split into TEAMS. Teams are 5-7 individuals who do life together every month. We are with each other 24/7. Each person in a team has a team role, decided by leadership during TRAINING CAMP. These roles include a team leader, treasurer, communications point-person, and more. Teams will likely change 1-2 times, throughout the 11 months. While traveling, the squad is backed by a squad-specific leadership team. This includes SQUAD LEADERS, alumni Racers who travel with us and identify/raise up new squad leaders within our squad to lead. We also have a huge crew of SQUAD MOBILIZERS, MENTORS, COACHES, TRAINERS, COORDINATORS… and more! We are well cared for!


Q: Who are you staying with? Where will you be staying?

A: We will be staying with local ministry HOSTS. We join the work of local churches through these contacts. If our host does not speak English, we will have access to an interpreter. Our host teaches us about their country and cultural expectations. We may be staying in places such as churches, schools, homes of host families/ministry hosts, etc. We could be staying in our tents for the month or we may get a bed of our own. It’ll always be a surprise J We will not know much about our hosts/contacts until launch, and even then, we are given limited information. This information is subject to-change (and often does).



Q: What will you actually be doing on the Race?

A: Every day on the World Race looks a little different. Some days will be packed full with construction, VBS, teaching English, evangelism outreach, building relationships with orphans, or praying for the sick at a hospital. Some days could be slower — shopping for groceries at the market, cooking for your team, and spending time praying for the community you walk through.


Q: Is this trip safe?

A: Travel of any kind always brings risks. Adventures in Missions is dedicated and has put extensive safety protocols in place. Adventures has a top flight risk management team. They monitor political, health, weather and other risks in the regions that we travel to. This information includes the U.S. State Department travel warnings. Throughout the Race, I am covered by a strong travel insurance policy and the insurance company works closely with Adventures to ensure that I will receive the care I need in case of an emergency.

Adventures also has external consultants who assist in designing and managing each training and field implementation for safety protocols. The internal risk management team creates contingency plans as needed so they are ready to move teams quickly if the need arises. They also have an extensive network of ministry partners and ministry connections worldwide who provide them with “eyes on the ground” as they assess situations.