Imagine what it’s like waking up in the morning. Maybe you’re groggy, ready to go, running late already, or wondering if the dream you just had was fantasy or reality. You roll out of bed, take a step out from your room, and you’re immediately overwhelmed by the most amazing smell.


BREAKFAST: Buttery pancakes with syrup, bacon, and a full pot of coffee.

You take a huge whiff and a smile crosses your face as you head toward the kitchen. Whatever worries you awoke with instantly disappear as the aroma of the most delicious food fills your nasal passage and you want it in your stomach NOW.

The smell is sweet, savory, and glorious.

Not in a weird way, but imagine if everywhere you walked you carried this amazing aroma with you. Where when you passed people they’d do a double take with a smile thinking, “What IS that!? It’s so refreshing!”

We carry the AROMA of Christ. When God looks upon us He smiles as He’s reminded of His glorious, obedient Son. Not only do we remind Him of Jesus just by being alive, but we’re His children. Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.

God calls his children different things: Salt, light, heirs, conquers, ambassadors, beloved, and friends. These are all honorable names to be called by the King.

But for the sake of being a breakfast and coffee lover myself, I love the thought that I carry the title of being the aroma of Christ!

I give off an aroma whether I walk into a room of believers or unbelievers. Though the question I ask myself, and you my Brothers and Sisters, is how strong is your scent? Is it hot, fresh, and sweet? Or lukewarm, stale, and bitter?

Nobody likes a stale breakfast.


“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”

2 Corinthians 2:15