You always thought “this is for me!” or “that’s not for me!”… yet here you are.

It’s something you look forward to for a really, really long time.

It’s something you’ve only ever dreamed about and now it’s becoming reality.

You put tons of prayer into the decision.

You have lots of doubts yet at the same time feel completely sure.

You seek lots of advice from professionals, friends, family, and mentors. You seek out those who have gone before you and have personal experience.

You do your research. Read books, magazines, blogs, and websites on what to do and how to be best prepared.

No matter how much you prepare yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and on paper, nothing can really prepare you except for the real thing.

You make a gift registry.

People give you gifts and money.

People tell you to do it.

People tell you not to do it.

People are giddy excited for you and the closer the day comes people ask, “Are you excited? Are you ready? Are you nervous?”

Despite the “horror stories” and negative experience from others, you always assume those things will never happen to you and your experience will be completely blissful.

You hear all the amazing stories and can’t wait to have those same experiences and more.

You’ve fallen in love with the person/people involved.

The big day comes and you say goodbye to your friends and family, knowing that after today your whole life will change.

After the “big day” has settled as a past experience and you are now living this new life, you realize just how difficult it really is and are thinking about all those warnings and advice people gave you.

You sometimes secretly regret your decision.

You lie in bed wondering what the heck you’ve gotten yourself into.

You have the best of days.

You have the worst of days.

There are days that you’re so high on life that you want to scream from the mountain tops.

You have awesome adventures and experiences and praise God saying, “I can’t believe this is my life!?”

You see God in a new way.

You learn to love people with an unconditional love.

You thank God… a lot.

You cry out to God… a lot.

You cry.

You laugh.

When you’re sick, someone gracious and lovingly takes care of you.

When you’re upset, there’s always an ear to hear.

You’ve entered into a lifelong friendship/relationship with an amazing person/people.

You tell people it’s all that you hoped for and more.

You tell people it’s not at all what you expected, but it’s still awesome.

You tell all your friends and family you’re fine and dandy when you’re secretly hurting.

You get homesick.

You stick it out.

You wish some days would be over by morning.

You wish some days would never end.

You’ve entered into a commitment before God and you won’t give up for better or worse, in sickness or in health, for richer or poor, until God calls you home.