I ran out of the room sobbing. I just couldn’t pray over my friend because I didn’t believe God would heal her.

It was the next day and our Squad was just informed that one of our squad mates, Sasha, was being sent home and would not be leaving with us due to her chronic and debilitating migraines.

She was weeping as the terrible news was brought to us and we all huddled around her to pray in seeking the Lord’s guidance and will in her life as well as complete healing.

This story hit too close to home for me.

You see, one of my best friends since I was 4 years old passed away suddenly a year and a half ago and her story mirrored Sasha’s. She had seen countless neurologists, tried every drug, shot, doctor, diet, scan and prayer, and all with no avail.

I fervently prayed in faith for my friend every single day for YEARS trusting God completely that he could, and would, heal my friend. I saw first hand how debilitating the migraines were and how they affected not only my friend, but our friendship. In the end God cured her my taking her home. I know God answered my prayers, but it was certainly not the way I wanted him too.

Watching Sasha having to be sent home because of her migraines, all these lost and unsettled emotions suddenly surfaced and I was mad at God all over again for not healing my new friend. Here we go again, Allison losing a friend due to these death-gripping migraines in which there’s apparently no cure for.

I guess God heals cancer, broken bones, tumors, and joint pain, but not migraines.

It wasn’t until I returned home from camp and got on Facebook that Sasha and others were proclaiming how she’d gone X days without even a headache…. Not since that night.

Wait…. What?

I quickly messaged Sasha wondering how she was doing and if something happened to her that night that I didn’t hear about.

She told me her whole story saying that night God miraculously and instantly healed her. She’d suffered daily for years and years having a constant headache, which frequently turned to migraine, yet she had been headache free for 7 days now!

I was immediately confused, skeptical, upset, and joyful. Could this be true?


Read Sasha’s first hand account of that night here. It’s a story worth telling and rejoicing over.

Yes. To this day, over a week later, the headache has not returned.

I believe God has the power to heal. And I believe He does it according to His perfect will in order to bring Glory to Himself.

I know God will use this to increase the faith of many, including myself, and to show how great and powerful He is!