Relying on Jesus and YOU! Next deadline April 1, 2013 and I need about$ 1,000 to make it relying on Jesus and You!

Since coming on the race I have not doubted for a second that I am meant to be here nor have I worried that I will be fully funded by the time I need to be. However, after looking at my WorldRace account not a single penny being placed in it beside my two faithful monthly donors (Special shout out to them lots of love and thanks!) has shown me that I still need to fundraise even while I am on the race.

I have been learning about new expenses that were not listed in my WorldRace acceptance packet for example: laundry bars to wash your clothes by hand (which I have done for the past month becoming a pro!) or laundry services (No laundry mats here-when you get into civilization you pay for people to wash your clothes and you are very willing because your clothes are still caked in dirt even after washing them by hand 4x in a row), water budget (no free glasses of water to save money like in the US this stuff is like gold literally you pay for it like gold and its hard to come by), toiletries (This isn't the good stuff, being clean is a commodity and is expensive shampoo, toilet paper [Hardly anywhere has toilet paper not even public restrooms have toilet paper. I literally walk around with a roll of toilet paper in my bag cause its that serious], toothpaste, etc.) paying to use public restrooms (yes even on the side if the street or in the grocery store it costs to go to the bathroom), and paying for Internet/wifi (you have to buy something like coffee, soda, or some type if delicious dessert to use Internet this one is a hard one to do). These are just a few little things to enter my world of new expenses.

If many of you know me in my everyday living I am very cheap and frugal and this is very hard for me to ask for help especially in this way. So this blog is dedicated to asking you to be a part of my life literally!! Being a part of my everyday living like supporting my hydration, toilet paper and bathroom budget , Internet access and cleansing habit. I am trying to make light of a serious situation that is my funding. I am asking you to come along side me and be a part of my everyday living and everyday ministry.

I know that The Lord will bless you and your family for being a part of my world financially and prayerfully. I want to thank you in advance for what you have already done and will do for being a part of His mission around the world through my teammates and I.

Here are 3 ways you can contribute

1. Mail donations directly to me Heather Miller 133 Nebo Walker Rd. Nebo, WV, 25141

2. Mail check donation to: Adventures In Missions, PO Box 534470, Atlanta, GA, 30353-4470 (Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions and memo note Heather Miller #NSquad

3. Monthly donation(s) and one time donations online: Visit my blog site at: Just click the “Support Me” link in the upper left side of the page and complete your donation as instructed. You can set the beginning and end date for either option.

The next deadline like I said before is April 1, 2013 to stay on the race and I need about $1,000 to make that happen. The ultimate goal is to be fully funded by June 1, 2013 with $15,500 in my account which means $4,500 before June 1, 2013.

Praying that The Lord places it on your heart to use you in supporting me!