After a week in Nepal I realized that I had to grieve my time in India.
I have been wanting to minister in India for almost 3 years now (one of the reasons we chose this route). AIM warns us against having expectations. As much as I try, I find it almost impossible to enter a country without some type of expectation.

I expected India to be (what everyone says about India) crowded, dirty, smelly, sickness, and hot. I experienced the crowded streets, jammed packed trains and buses, the smell of sewage or burning trash, the constant sweating, the trash on the streets (by the Grace of God I survived a month in India with no sickness). It wasn’t the physical I had to mourn but the emotional expectations that were not met.

I wanted to pour my heart into India, I wanted to fall in love with children.  Cry at the end when I had to leave. Our ministry was not relational, it was preaching on a microphone.
I didn’t give my heart away to anyone in India.  I didn’t feel like I had the chance togive my heart away, but I did give it away to God and that took some time to realize.

My experience in India left me feeling like I had gotten robbed. I was frustrated
that many people on the squad had experienced the India that I longed for
but God taught me to hold on to Him and to trust Him.

God is sovereign. He chose my location in South India. He chose my contact and ministry. He laid the way before I even arrived. I had the experience that I was meant to and through it I was taught that my strength comes only from the Lord.
There is no good or strength in me alone. I am passionately loved by the God of the universe.
His plans for me are only to prosper.  He is faithful and in Him is the only way.

Many of what people say about India seem similar to what is said about Africa. I do not know what to expect. I put my hope in God. I put my fears away knowing that the Lord Almighty walks by me and He knows what is in store for me. He doesn't give more than I can handle.
 His strength is sufficient to raise the dead and His strength is in me.

When things seem to not be going as you would like them to
stop and give thanks because His ways are always good and always better than mine.

love, Veronica.