The past few weeks have run past me like a linebacker mows through tacklers. It's been good, hard, sweet and intense. I joined the parents for part of the vision trip- witnessed a mudslide that claimed the lives of three children- met a woman named Mercy who deeply impacted me and met a crew who runs the 61 Project in Kijabe for the refugee camp. Those peeps are legit and just flat out awesome. I can't get Kijabe out of my mind. Something tweaked my heart there. I'm going back to Kenya. It stole a piece of my heart. My dreams were birthed there. No matter where the Lord places me, my heart will always be tender for that countryside.

It wasn't the easiest place to exist as a female. The culture doesn't ooze with affection for women. Tears are non existent on their faces and emotion isn't encouraged.


Perhaps then, I am not a prime candidate for this country. Being expressive, tear filled when it counts and overall passionate you'd think I would've hated it. I won't lie, in someways I did. But it's not always what I want. It's not always what makes me cozy and comfy that God is looking for. He wants our holiness more than He desires whether I'm happy. Doesn't mean he wants me moping around like a puppet, but it does mean that I get to choose joy and his peace when the circumstances around me aren't my picture perfect setting. I like when stuff is happy. I don't like robberies or hostage like situations and I sure don't appreciate when my purse gets stolen especially when they yanked a Hobo that I've had since college. (sorry mere, I couldn't stand not bringing it and now it's gone. Still one of my most fave gifts ever!) but regardless of the climate around me, I think god was really honing in on contentment in any situation. Lesson being learned. 

Work in progress.

Anyway, we peaced out of Nairobi and I felt like singing "for a three hour tour, a three hour tour" (#lovemesomegilligan)

23 hours later we arrived in Uganda.

Sheesh. What the heck took so long, I still don't know. Perhaps it's because we chose the dirt road that aligns with the highway and bounced, bumped and beeped our way over the mountains? By far one of the most irritating things. Ever. We would smack our heads around, getting whiplash while watching cars fly past us on the smooth road. But you don't ask questions out here. You just accept it. So jenni and I wrote out questions for friends to answer. You know, trying to get answers to all of life's questions. I mean, whether you prefer a bow tie or long tie is important. Or do you like real or fake Christmas trees…ya know…life questions.

We stumbled upon our hostel around 5am and crashed into bed while the Muslim call to prayer droned on and on. Next morning I bounced outta bed and sipped coffee and ate chipate with papa Noah while I anxiously awaited my sisters arrival.
That's right. My SISTER!

How cool is God?

I mean I'd just gotten all my goods stolen and didn't have a penny to my name and here is my lovely little, with a debit card and encouragement galore to lift my spirits and pump me up. I basically tackled her off the motorcycle and wouldn't let go. She got to meet my squad and my family. Sweet aroma makes my heart beat fast and is my family. I mean we're human so were not perfect but I can't imagine them not part of everything I do. Oh shoot, get outta here tears! I can't imagine not seeing those bearded faces in three months. FYI no, the girls didn't grow beards… 🙂

It was great seeing Cath. We got to do a girls lunch with jenni and moriah. Catherine filled us up with truth and lollipops and went on her merry way. I left a little sister 9 months ago ad met up with a powerful woman of God last week. I'm blown away by the transformative work Jesus is doing in her. Dang. I was like a proud mother hen as I introduced her to my family. Loved it. But alas we parted was. She to America, me to Lake Victoria. No worries, I scored plenty of new clothes and toiletries from her pack!

So I'm here, in Uganda. Awaiting month 9. I'm tired but excited. I feel like God has a pretty huge agenda here. The stupid enemy has launched an all out war so it's game on. Bring it, dumb devil, you can't touch royalty. I'm getting all jacked up knowing that my God is bigger, better and way more awesome than anything I can imagine. You've tried to turning my world upside down and I choose Jesus. I choose rest in Him. God's my heartbeat and He's just getting started. We're more than conquerors and completely His- so tighten your seatbelts- its time to watch Jesus explode in Uganda! Let's go!