Did I get your attention?


Now, we didn't really find a pink dolphin, but we know of a beach where they have been spotted. 

But, that's not the reason I'm writing this blog. 
Why am I writing it then, you ask? 

Well, let me tell you. 

I have a fantastic team. We have two boys and five girls. We just got a new boy. His name is Mike, and he's awesome. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to be on his team. 

These people have become my family. They are with me every day and almost all the time. If there's anthing I'm struggling with, I bring it to them and they pray for me and help to encourage me. They call me out when I need to be more Christ-like, and accept feedback when I call them out. They are missionaries, but more than that, they are compassionate, loving friends. 

We have a deadline coming up on October 1. This means that every person on a July 2012 route needs $11,000 in their account to continue serving and ministering to the poor, needy, and sick. 

I have been blessed by amazing friends and family, and I am fully funded. I am not the reason that I'm writing this blog. Three of my teammates and many of my squadmates are just shy of this deadline. I'm so excited to rally around my teammates and get you involved. 

This is a call out.

I'm not asking you to drop everything and go to their blogs to donate; I am simply asking you to ask God if he would want you to help them continue the good work they're doing on the race. Can you pelase pray and consider what God wants you to do?

My teammates and the amount they still need are below. If you feel called to one or all of them, I just want you to know that anything helps. Every dollar adds up. Please help my brothers and sisters continue on their race. 

Michael $1800
Josi $4000
Garrett $1600

You can reach their blogs, read about them and their race, and donate here:


Thank you so much for your prayers and the way that you have already supported me and listened to God's leading. I pray that you are encouraged and challenged by my blogs. God is good. All the time.