I'm so excited! In less than 24 hours, I will be back home in Michigan!
I can't wait to see my family and friends. I also am very excited about presenting about my World Race in church. I was amazed at how willing my pastor was to let me come into the church and talk about what I will be doing. I feel like God has just been making a way for everything. For example, physically: I feel like I've been really healthy and been able to excersize a few times a week so that I can be in shape for the race. Spiritually: I've been reading on the app YouVersion where they have a daily Bible reader plan, so I've been able to read in God's word daily. I'm 11% through already! I should have read the whole Bible by the time I leave for my World Race. And financially, God has really shown himself to be faithful. I'm up to $ 4,398.48! That means I still have a ways to go, which is partly why I'm SO excited about going to Michigan. After church, I will be holding a silent auction. Oh my goodness, I could explode. My mom has been so amazing through this whole process; she's gone to different businesses and made phone calls, and we're up to over 50 items donated! I could seriously explode. I feel SO, unbelievably blessed. I also had an interview with the Grand Haven Tribune, where they published a front page story about my World Race. God is just so cool. So, so cool.
If you would like to read the news story about my upcoming my world race and the auction, click here
If you would like to see the auction items, click here
Soon and very soon… 149 days until my world race!!!