Although I am not yet a mother I believe there is an unspeakable bond between a mother and her biological child. To carry them for 9 months, give birth, and every day see pieces of yourself in another person, wow, the glory in that is beyond me.
But I believe there is something very special to be said about the adoptive mother or person. The person who CHOOSES to LOVE a child, someone else's child. That choice is made from one of the most selfless places in the heart I believe. That type of Love I believe is a rare gift, one that few tap into, which i believe is the reason why so few people choose to adopt, BUT
adoption is the highest form of LOVE…
How do i know? 
Because I was adopted…
Ephesians 1:5 GOD decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself by JESUS CHRIST. This is what He wanted to do and it gave Him great pleasure.
This month in Thailand I have truly learned the meaning of family Love…
My team and I, along with team earth like heaven found ourselves working in northern Thailand in the city of chai prakarn with Sila ministry, a home for children. But as I stated in an earlier blog, I wouldn't label these kids as the typical view we have of orphans, unloved or uncared for, no they are far from that! Each one of these kids are special, blessed and anointed. The care givers here live each day with these children loving them, taking care of them, and making sure they are raised in the WORD of GOD! 
They range from ages 3 to 18, and then they go on to university. Yes university, that is how educated these kids are. The pastor who runs the home is a gentle older man, his wife is caring and funny. They raise these kids generation after generation, never neglecting them, making sure they have a future and a hope. It's beautiful. 
When I stepped back and really observed the children I realized they are blessed in some ways we are not. There is not a selfish bone in any of their bodies, the older ones look out for the little ones, and they truly Love each other. They have learned the true meaning if unity, and family. The LORD has so perfectly bonded them as siblings, it warms my heart. 
This has been a good reflection month. A great month of personal lessons from the LORD, and I am inspired by the selflessness I have seen by the pastor here and other staff. They Love each kid like they are their own…
The same way GOD does us, we are His, we are all His very favorite…
Oh and if you are wondering why the word hoe is in the title of the blog, well it's not because I worked with human trafficking although I am in Thailand. We actually have done a TON of yard work this month around Sila home using hoes and shovels. Its another aspect of ministry and serving them, I have even seen GOD is the moments of shoveling dirt this month.
Pray for us as we prepare to move to Malaysia soon, and please keep my finances lifted up as well, I do not plan to come home, I am still believing for a miracle!