The letter F, such an ever present Factor in my life since signing up for the World Race and being assigned to F-Squad. As my team and I try to come up with words we can identify with that begin with the letter F for training camp I though I would share a few ways in which it is changing my life…

F is for FAITH– In the last 2 weeks I have really come to the realization that I dont have enough faith. Everytime somthing seems to go in an unexpected way I immediatly respond in my self, instead of allowing GOD to be who he is! This year I pray to have Faith like I never have before as I watch GOD do the seemingly impossible, and I do mean impossible in my (our) lives. I have to leave my job in a couple weeks, a month earlier than I expected, yet somwhere in my heart I know GOD will provide.

F is for FREEDOM– How many of us have been bound by things, only to step into this season of preperation for the World Race and say to ourselves "I CANNOT take this issue on the missions field". Yes that is me. And I admit the minute I declared to be better, I got better. But it is not without opposition! This year, starting yesterday I am believing GOD for Freedom to be released over our lives! A freedom in HIM from insecurity, fear, lust, selfishness, and any other thing you might struggle with!

F is for FIGHT– Raise your hand if you have ever wanted to give up on somthing. (raises both hands) Through this experience GOD has brought another level of fight into my spirit! A fight that says I shall keep moving forward, although I have not met my deadline. A fight that says no matter what the enemy throws my way I will spend these 11 months serving GODs people, despite my own issues, wants, needs and desires. A fight that wont allow me to give in to mind battles, or set backs! This year I'm going to Fight for JESUS!

F is for Finances– seriously enough said… lol ( click support me) hahahahahah seriously though ๐Ÿ™‚

F is for Forgiven– One of the greatest revelations we will come to in our Faith journey with Christ is that we are Forgiven! I no longer have to carry around the burdens of yesterday because of the Cross! This year I embrace that! I am redeemed, and forgiven, and I no longer walk in condemnation because of HIS love for me! It is as simple, and yet as complicated as that! I pray as we minister together we will walk as forgiven lights in the darkest of places, letting others know that in Christ they are forgiven too!

F is for FatherMatthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

He has got it all taken care of! I look forward to the privilege of ministering with you F-squad this year ๐Ÿ™‚

*** if you are reading this and would like to help with F is for Finances, click support me ๐Ÿ™‚ love you all!