The ministry in Uganda has been some of my favorite on the race. We do a wide variety of things each day. I’ll give you a glimpse at this last week so you can see what our days look like:

Sunday –
9am – I preach for the first time in a church service setting at Ebenezer Church where there are about 300 people attending. I am intimidated, but hopeful and excited! My message is about God’s love for us as our Father.


11am – Luke preaches at Ebenezer church’s second service. He preached about spiritual jealousy and how we are all made just the way we are for a purpose.

Monday –
8am – Wobulenzi Junior School (Songs, Skit about David and Goliath, and message about asking Jesus to be your Savior)

9am – Breakfast (Egg omelet, bread and jam, and tea)

10:30am – Cornerstone Christian School (We play with the kids during their break, then we separate into the different classes to help teach the kids. Luke and I go to 5th grade and help teach social studies and math. Then we sing and play with the kids)


5pm – Afternoon tea time (This is also when we have our team time)

8pm – Dinner (Noodles, smashed pea sauce, fried cassava chips)

Tuesday –
10am – Hospital ministry (We visit and pray for patients)

Wednesday –
10am – Visit Vocational school and Lynsey preaches

5pm – Visit Kampala University and Gabe preaches

Thursday –
10am – Visit Hope Infant and Primary School (We help serve porridge, sing songs, perform a skit about Jonah and the whale, and then I preach about obedience; we all teach classes ranging from preschool to 7th grade)

Friday –
9am – Visit to Agape Christian school and Luke preaches to about 150 students


2pm – Visit to Wobulenzi Academy High School and Carter preaches

5pm – Visit Wobulenzi Business Institution and we sing, dance, and Gabe preaches

Saturday –
Day off (We visit Casablanca, a future home for missionaries in Uganda, as well as visit Moses’ coffee and banana plantation)

So this is a sneak peek at a given week in Africa. As you can see, we preach A LOT! It’s stretching for all of us, but God has been speaking through us to deliver words that touch people's hearts.

This week, Moses is preparing a “mini crusade” open-air service for three days, leading up to Easter. We will be singing, giving testimonies, and preaching the good news of Jesus in the center of the town! We pray that many people who do not know Jesus or have a relationship with Him will come and encounter the Spirit of God.

It’s been such a blessing being a part of so many churches and worship services in Uganda! When we preach at schools, the students always have a time of praise and worship, complete with lots of African drumming, dancing, and shouting. It’s a blast! We are trying to figure out if we can somehow get one of those African drums back on the plane to America…