So I am standing in the lobby of our hostel ready to go off to another teaching session. I look over at one of my new friends and ask him what the session is on. He tells me that he thinks they are going to be teaching on prophesy. Immediatly I roll my eyes and say to him, “Oh great… another one of those prophesy circles we did at training camp”, where we stand in front of someone and pray to ask God to give you a prophetic word for that person. I thought to myself, I dont even think it works, and it was soooo awkward last time.

   So we arrive at the church and we listen to the speaker talk about prophesy. After the session she tells us to stand up, put the chairs away and form the prophesy circle… “ohhh noo, not again”, i thought to myself. So we form the circle and one of my teammates, Ben, stands in front of me and I start to pray that God gives me a word for Ben. I look up at him, put my hands on his shoulders and look him right in the eyes. It was at that moment that I heard God’s voice telling me to say something to Ben.

     I started speaking these words: “Ben, you are man of faith. God is going to use you in great ways these next few months and I just feel like God is telling me to tell you that there is something stirring inside of you, something that is waiting to be released, something BIG. I don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen, but one of these days God is going to rock you and you’re going to explode with voice. A voice full of courage and faith. A voice that is going to change people. A voice that is going to bring hope to the nations.

     And then I stopped, I felt overwhelmed with God’s presence. That is something that has NEVER happened to me before. Ben chimed in quickly saying that what I told him hit him hard! Apparently at training camp, another leader prophesied over him and said that they saw a faded shower door, the ones you can’t really see behind. And they saw there was something BIG behind the door that was waiting to explode. I WAS SHOCKED! Did God actually speak through me to give that message to Ben? Does prophesy actually work? Is it REAL?

     The answer is YES!! Why did I ever doubt God? It was like God was saying, “Paul, why do you question me?” I questioned him, and he proved me wrong 2 hours later!! That’s insane! God is good. Thank you God for showing yourself to me and showing me you are REAL!

Check out our 1st video on the field; The Life of a World Racer.