Friends and Family,

I want to update you on my friend Wayne. First of all I want to thank all of you who lifted my friend up in prayer. God heard every one of our prayers and has allowed Wayne to stay on this earth for a little while longer. Praise God! Thanks for RISING TO THE OCCASION. Your prayers were powerful and effective.

Wayne is still alive but he is still in the hospital and needs continued prayer. This week he will be laid on an operating table to undergo open heart surgery. 90% of his arteries are blocked therefore, the doctors will need to take a vein from his leg and replace it in his heart. Wayne is 40 years old and this is his second heart attack. Please pray for this surgery to go well and pray for whatever else the spirit leads you to pray.

He has been my next door neighbor and good friend for about 8 years which has led us into many good conversations. I used to work along side of him helping him do side jobs that he would pick up. He has taught me so much about manual labor and it has been a blessing to learn from him. In my last blog I told you that I wasn’t the judge but through conversations and observing his life I didn’t think that he was following Jesus and was scared that he may not get into heaven. Jesus’ words in Luke 13: 22-30 kept flowing through my mind. Jesus says that the owner of the house will not open the door for those who do not know him. So as I received this news I immediately started praying that God will bring salvation to my friend and that God would give Wayne another chance to know Him.

Earlier today I got the report from another one of my neighbors that she and another guy went to the hospital to minister to him. Here is the message that she sent me regarding the conversation between her friend and Wayne “Ryan just wanted to let you know that my friend went by to see Wayne this evening and he confirmed that Wayne had been baptized and does know God as Our Lord & Savior, but that he has just been lost for a very long time. My friend Jimmy prayed with & over Wayne and explained to Wayne that God has not changed since he was baptized that all Wayne needs to do is turn to God and ask for him for forgiveness of his sins and that all will be made well. Jimmy then told him to have faith in God, and to turn to God for strength. Tears were shed. Amen�

So with that message in mind I am praying that Wayne will turn back to God, repent of his sins, and be completely washed in the blood of the lamb. I hope and pray that Wayne does truly KNOW GOD. Please join me in prayer that Wayne will live his life for Christ, get through this surgery he is undergoing, and for whatever else the spirit leads you into. I believe that YOU HEAR FROM GOD and that HE WILL SPEAK TO YOU. Thank you for all of your prayers! Remember that YOUR PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE!