Hi everyone!! I am in Europe now enjoying the food, the people, the ministry….pretty much everything about Romania!! The Lord has been speaking to me clearly about a lot of things lately so I really appreciate all of you praying for me and supporting me! I am not going to talk about that today though. If you want to hear what the Lord has been speaking I would love to share with you through face book. I want to talk to you about a struggle I have been having.

When we first arrived in Romania I was excited to walk outside into the lobby of the airport and not have people hassling me. This was literally the first time the entire race we walked out of an airport without anyone trying to offer us some kind of service. We were not hassled because we blend in with the people here. However, even though there were not people trying to offer me some kind of service the devil was on top of his game. While I was waiting to leave the airport, I looked over at a magazine rack in the lobby of the airport to see a stack of business cards on top of some rent-a-car magazines. These business cards had a naked woman on them telling me that I could call a number to get a special message. At that moment I knew I needed to look away but my eyes kept wanting to wander over to look at the woman on the card. While my eyes were wanting to look over to the card the devil kept telling me “You should take a card so you can pray for the people in this business.� I knew this was not of God so I started praying that god would keep my mind clear. After a while we left the airport and I did not pick up one of those cards to take with me.

That was the first temptation that the devil wanted me to bite at. The second sexual temptation came when I was running in the morning. I love to run in the morning to get my morning started off right so I usually go on a 30 minute run. The first morning I was running I passed a bunch of magazine shops that are set up on the side of the street. As I ran past a few of the magazine shops, my eye caught a glimpse of a naked woman on the front of one of the magazines. When this happened the devil entertained the thought in my mind that I should go back later to buy that magazine. So I actually thought about it for a second because of my flesh but after a couple seconds I turned to God and He rescued me from the devils bate.

The third sexual temptation that the devil has put in front of me came when I was going to church on Sunday. It was the first time my team had gone to the church and we had to get there by bus. When we arrived at our bus stop the lady that was riding with us showing us how to get to the church led us from the bus stop to the church. I was very surprised to see on the corner of the street that the church is on is a huge strip club. On the outside of the strip club are paintings of naked women just enticing guys to come into that club. I have honestly been shocked to see all of the nudity just doing every day things such as going to church.

We have to walk by this strip club every day to get to the church which means I am faced with this sexual temptation every day. The devil really wants me to look over at the naked women on the building and I am trying my best to have my eyes looking elsewhere.

So I am writing this blog for two reasons. First I want you to pray for me. Please pray that I don’t fall into any sexual temptations and pray against all attacks from Satan that he is enticing me with. The second reason I am writing this blog is because the Lord has been speaking to me while all of this temptation has been going on. He is wanting me and all of you to pray for the sex industry. In the world we are living in there is a huge problem with human trafficking. I want to end this blog with some statistics about human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Worldwide:

 27 million ��” Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.

 800,000 ��” Number of people trafficked across international borders every year.

 1 million ��” Number of children exploited by the global commercial sex trade, every year.

 50% ��” Percent of transnational victims who are children.

 80% ��” Percent of transnational victims who are women and girls.

 70% ��” Percent of female victims who are trafficked into the commercial sex industry. This means that 30% of female victims are victims of forced labor.

 161 ��” Countries identified as affected by human trafficking.

32 billion ��” Total yearly profits generated by the human trafficking industry.

o $15.5 billion is made in industrialized countries.

o $9.7 billion in Asia

o $13,000 per year generated on average by each “forced laborer.� This number can be as high as $67,200 per victim per year.

It’s sad but true: here in Romania and there in America, people are being bought, sold, and smuggled like modern-day slaves. Lets pray for these people and cry out to God on their behalf.