What do you think of when you hear the word servant? Do you think of a person who goes out of his or her way to do something nice for someone else without being recognized for it? What about King David? King David was a great servant and knew the role of being a servant. As I was reading a book about King David that my aunt gave me, God taught me so much about what it looks like to be a servant of God. Everything we do for others is actually service for God. God is not going to let one thing you do go unrecognized. You may be left without recognition from people but God will take care of you. Samuel, a kid that was part of the family we were staying with in the middle of nowhere, taught me so much about what it looks like to be a servant of God. Samuel is a 14 year old kid that I taught in English class. He also was our main translator while we stayed at our ministry in Cambodia.

This kid helped us in so many ways. Samuel helped us buy ice, brought us hot water, helped me erase the board after class, came upstairs to tell us it was time to eat, went to find an aloe tree when one of the girls got burnt, helped me wash my cloths, fed the chickens, and so much more. Every time I saw Samuel he would ask me if he could help me in any way. The whole month Samuel did everything with a smile on his face. God has taught me that a servant of God has a good attitude about what he does and does it with a smile. The only time that I saw a little disappointment in Samuel’s eyes is when he was told he could not have an MP3 player and when we left his house the other day to move on. God taught me so much about how to be a servant of God through this kid. Will you please do me a huge favor? Let’s all pay Samuel back right now. Will you please pray that Samuel will get a MP3 player if that is God’s will? I know that would light his face up with a smile even bigger than before if he could get an MP3 player to listen to music!

Next time you see someone go out of their way to help someone; will you please take the time to thank them? It might make a huge impression on them without you even knowing.