What a month this has been! This month in Cambodia has been filled with Gods presence and teaching. Looking back on this month I would say it has been a very successful month of ministry. I did not do much ministering out in the community or at Teen Challenge but did receive ministry from God, my team, and Anthony Chapman. If you don’t know who Anthony Chapman is you should google his name sometime and listen to one of his sermons. At the beginning of the month I was very hesitant on not doing much around the community because I love to live a busy lifestyle. Now that the month has gone and passed, I am positive God set aside this month for my team to do ministry among each other and I am encouraged to slow down.

                When we first arrived in Cambodia we knew we were working with an organization called Teen Challenge but we had no idea what God had in store for us this month.  So we all walked out of the airport, found the guy holding the World Racers- Teen Challenge sign and followed him to the van. Team X-Stream loaded up in the van and off we went to our ministry contacts house. The ride there was a crazy adventure that reminded me of riding a bull rather than riding in a van. There are about a million potholes all throughout the road. Moreover, Cambodia has dirt roads that are fit for participating in a mud bogging completion rather than driving a car on. We were all bouncing around in the back of the van trying our best not to hit our head on the ceiling as we were taken to our location. After our two hour bumpy ride from the airport we finally arrived at Teen Challenge! When we arrived at Teen Challenge we ate a meal as a team then our driver took us to the house we would be staying in for the month.  When we settled in there I went to sleep until the next day because I had been up for around 30 hours.   


                 The next day, Saturday, we found out that the director of Teen Challenge would not be coming to town until Monday. So we decided to take the first couple of days to spend time with God. I was reading a couple different books at the time so I decided to continue my reading since I never take any time back at home to sit down and read a book. Monday came and we found out that the director was not coming to town again due to sickness. Therefore, we decided to go back to the place we are staying, a.k.a. the tree house, and spend more time with God. Anyone who knows me knows that I am usually a hyper person who likes to go…go…go. I was very antsy to get out of the tree house and do something in the community. However, after a team meeting about what God’s plan could look like this month, I came to the realization that maybe it was God’s plan for us to spend the entire month with him and getting to know him more.

                After the first week in Cambodia had gone and passed, I found out that God’s plan was exactly what we had discussed as a team. God planned for us to spend the whole month getting to know him more. I was going to be teaching at Teen Challenge a total of 6 hours a week. The rest of the time was meant for me to spend time with God.  Therefore, I read the bible, read four books, prayed, hiked mountains, and slept.


God has been teaching me for the last two months to slow down and spend time with him. I am still working on slowing down and I have come a long way in two months. Honestly, slowing down will probably be something I have to work on for a long time because I love to live a busy lifestyle. Will you please pray that I will put the act of slowing down into practice for the rest of my life? I have also been finding out a little more of whom I am and who I want to be. I am so glad that God set this month aside for my team and I to spend quality time with Him.