It is hard to believe that we are now leaving africa after spending 3 wonderful months of our race here.  Once again we fell in love with its people, and we have been so blessed to be able to serve them these last three months!  There was just one thing we had to do before leaving this beautiful continent.  

Yes, you guessed it….visit the lion park in Johannesburg, South Africa to play with baby lions!  So the willow family packed up, said some much dreaded goodbyes to our Swazi family and headed to Joburg.  After a long journey across Swaziland and some trouble with the police.  (We had too much luggage for the vehicle we had rented. It’s always something!)  We finally made it in to Joburg full of excitement for the next day when we would see lions.  Our taxi came to pick us up at 10am which turned out to be a large white van windowless van, which is never a good sign in the movies.  But of course, we’re World Racer’s so we are all for taking risks. (don’t worry it was perfectly safe) “Are you the guy who is taking us to the lion park?”  “Yes.”  “Okay, why not?”  We traveled about 30 minutes then arrived at the best place on earth, (as our team mate Katy would say.)  We spent the day looking at animals, taking a safari ride through the lion park and yes playing with baby lions.  


Overall I would recommend this adventure to any animal lover, plus who wouldn’t want to pet and play with a lion cub? 

To View more pictures from the lion park click here