And the winner is…..(drum roll please)….Sarah Alajmi!!  Congrats. 
Here is how it all went down:   As 2 o’clock was getting closer, I started
to get butterflies in my tummy.  I was so
excited to see who would win.  I couldn’t believe that this day was finally
here, and that we would finally be drawing a winner for the CAR GIVEAWAY!    (Side note:  We
ended up selling 131 tickets with quite a few people waiting till the last
minute, imagine that.)  Back to the story… I had arranged for Matt Duncan of
Matt Duncan Mobile Car Wash, 806-543-5242, to come detail the car for the winner and thought
that since he would already be here to wash the car he would be the perfect guy
for the job.  (Sarah probably thinks he
was perfect for the job too.)  I had
never met him and since he didn’t know anyone in the drawing there were no
biases.  Matt was very helpful and took
my silly directions well.  (the video
will be up soon, I’m having to convert it) On top of being so helpful he even
gave me a 50% off discount to clean the car inside in out!  What a Guy! 
As Justin stood behind the camera, Matt started the process of drawing
the lucky person’s ticket out of the clear bin, with me narrating all the while!  (Sorry we only had one car to giveaway, we
would like for you all to have taken home the prize.)  And there it was…. he pulled out the ticket,
and read the name, “SARAH ALAJMI”.  Sorry
Sarah, he probably butchered it.   We
called Sarah, who had apparently lost track of time and didn’t answer either
one of the numbers that she gave us.  (so,
sorry the video will be a little less climactic with no screaming winner )  Needless to say, when we did finally get a
hold of Sarah she was shocked, stating “Really? 
I never win anything.”  (She didn’t
answer the phone earlier because she and her mom, were on the road to Albuquerque
for the balloon festival…how fun).  She
said, “Do I have to claim it now?   Mom, we have to turn around.”  She was quickly assured that we could get
everything squared away when she got back from her trip.  Justin and I can now breathe a sigh of relief
knowing that our fundraising is coming to a close and the car went to such a good
Once again, thank you to all of you who made this Giveaway a
success.   We really appreciate your
support and donations toward our trip.  We
know many of you may be a little down since you didn’t win a car, but please
know that your money will be blessing others around the world!!  The next step of our journey is training
camp.  We leave in 5 days for training
and leave the country in less than 3 months. 
Wow how time is flying!!     
*the video is posted above, on the blog And the Winner is, go there to view.  


One in 250 Chance of Having Your Very Own Volvo S40!!!!
We are having a donation giveaway here in Lubbock, TX.  The first 250 people to make a $50 donation for the car, that will go toward our trip, will have a chance of receiving a 2003 Volvo S40!!  Prize value worth $7,500.  We will have the drawing on Saturday, October 9th at 2:00pm.  We will inform the winner by phone and then post their name here on the website.  We will be selling tickets at our Car Wash, Garage Sale, Cultural Dinner, Online through the Support Us tab, and upon request. Information on the car and ways to enter giveaway are below:
Car Information
Model: 2003 Volvo S40          
Color: Navy                      
Mileage: 107,000 
MPG: 23 city, 30+ highway                                           
Leather Interior
Power Windows/Seats
CD & Cassette Player
 Ways to Enter Giveaway
  • Stop by the Car Wash: Saturday, August 21st from 9am to 4pm at Betenbough Homes Main Office at 82nd and Milwaukee and purchase a ticket
  • Stop by the Garage Sale: Friday, September 17th from 8am to 4pm and Saturday, September 18th from 8am to 2pm at Raintree Christian Church at 3601 82nd Street and purchase a ticket
  • Come to the Cultural Dinner: Sunday, September 19th from 6pm to 9pm at the Christ in Action Building at 2406 Broadway and purchase a ticket
  • Online: Donate $50.00 through the Support Us tab located on the left under our picture. Then after making donation on-line please e-mail us at [email protected] with your name, e-mail, phone number and amount entered for giveaway. Make the subject of the email “Car Giveaway”.
  • Request:  If you just want to donate in person away from an event just call us at 806-781-3310 or e-mail us and we’ll get with you to get you in the giveaway.  
(Only residents in Lubbock or surrounding area may enter giveaway)