We’ve arrived safely to Australia!!
Our short stop over in Vietnam was interesting and though I enjoy seeing different parts of the world, that is a place I don’t plan on going back to. The desperation to get a buck or two is unsettling and I was relieved to land safely in Australia.
Team Wrecking Ball has arrived at month three and we are living at the YWAM base here in Darwin (Northern Territory) and I LOVE IT. . . I mean I feel like we are in a Real-World house. . ha ha ha. . and today it rained.
I don’t remember when I last smelt rain. . or felt the coolness of hit my skin. . So refreshing.
Honestly, having spent the last 2 months in Asia, I have experienced more culture shock being here. . . where its more like home! I can speak. . and people understand me, I can read nutritional facts on the food I eat and DIET COKE is really DIET COKE (not this coke light mess that says, “Less than 1 calorie”) We are right on the coast and it’s beautiful. . . There is green grass and trees and a park to run in . . . A little piece of home feels so nice!
To say the least, this month is starting off well. . . Our ministry is a bit spread out over prayer walks around the city (it’s rather small) and teaching ‘religion’ classes to students. . to painting. . to feeding the homeless. . and hosting church. . I am looking forward to the variation of ministries!
My C.S. Lewis quote for the day is perfect,
“He’s not safe, but he’s good”
Darwin has a lot of poisonous creatures. . . But God is GOOD. . AMEN!!
Heading down for a nap. . it says It’s 5 PM here but my body thinks differently! Sending all of my love. . thanks for keeping up, I will be filling you in SOON on life here in the Outback!!
Apparently Uncle B was ‘Misdiagnosed’ and instead of having small cell lung cancer which is non-curable, he has Large cell lung cancer. . which is treatable and curable. . . Next time he get’s checked I believe God’s going to have fully healed him!!!! PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE you God!! I love when God shows up. . . the power of prayer continues to rock me!!