May was a month of celebration,
                     June was a month of pain,
                                     July was filled with confusion,
                                                   and August has been a month of mercy.

This summer taught me what it looks like to be in charge of my faith, to own it. The community of believers that I’ve spent the last 4 years with has been phenomenal. . . so much so. . that I maybe depended upon them a little more than God. . . What a sweet lesson to learn as I prepare for this journey . . . In moments of tears and so much turmoil, those who I turn to. . were out of reach and I was ‘forced’ to work it out-Just me and God-

. . . ‘Just’ me and God. . . 

That was my biggest fear, to be alone. . . to feel abandoned. . . and alone. . . however, I came to know the meaning of ‘Just me and God’. . how sweet that time has become to me

Doesn’t that make you think. . . What are you holding on to so tightly that if you were to let it go. . . . . you would be               . (Fill in the blank with your biggest fear). . .

If you were to let go of _________,(baggage) then you would experience ___________(fear). .  Except for those short moments of _______,(fear) Christ would erase with grace and love. . . his presence would send chills throughout your body and his promises give you hope and certainty of an unimaginable future.

Life sometimes throws you for a loop. . . but KNOW this. . .

“For I am the Lord, I do not change …� (Malachi 3:6)
There is one thing that stays the same. . PRAISE HIM for that. .

ALONE, I felt alone. . . and God showered me with mercy. . and loved me so well. . The comfort I felt was overwhelming because I let him in. . I gave up idols, issues, baggage–So that HE could love me more. What the heck do I know of holy? I am learning. . The process of sanctification is a beautiful one.

What is it that you’re holding on to?