A few weeks ago. . I had one of those ‘THIS IS REAL’ type moments. . . but it wasn’t about the race. . .

“This is Real”

I was standing in church a few Sunday’s ago. . . worshiping in a room full of some of my closest friends. . . I stopped and looked around. . I for the first time I felt the Love of Christ in an unfamiliar way, a way that revealed something to me that I’ve never believed about myself before. . . That I was precious to him. .

I have poured into countless middle school and high school girls about how beautiful and wonderful they are. . how they are WORTHY in God’s eyes and that ‘not just anyone’ should have the power to make them think any differently. . . That they are precious to him. .

Suddenly, I felt this truth flood over me like something I’ve never felt in all 22 years of my life. . and surely nothing has placed more joy in my heart. . . to know that I am fully known. . and fully loved by the one who created me, the key word here. . is that I KNOW this now. . I have always regurgitated the concept and to an extent believed this about myself. . regardless of my surrounding environment. . . but truly for the first time I felt prized.

Try and imagine this moment for me. . . I was in a dim lit building. . . listening to the body of Christ (no one older than 18-aside from leaders/parents/staff) cry out how beautiful and gracious God is. . . and in this same moment. . He was telling me how beautiful I am to him. . . It was an unforgettable moment.

All of this to say-through reading other blogs, watching videos, and prayerfully chasing after God’s own heart. . . I am overwhelmed.

This is real. . . It’s nice to be chosen back, and who better than my creator?!