Complicated life. Faithful God.

I have been going through this series, Complicated life. Faithful God.  at my current church in Houston throughout the summer and I never expected it to mean so much.

My last post informed everyone about the unique job opportunity I was presented with. . . and how I felt so called to the Race and that’s where I was headed. . . Then it happened. . .

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I was recently informed that one upper division Sociology course was transferred into UT as a lower division course. . . meaning, apparently I have not graduated yet (humbling begins. . ). . . After exhausting ALL options on my own will, I turned to God asking “REALLY? What now” and as He promises, ask and you shall receive, everything fell right into place.

This change, though, not MY plan, is so much better than anything I could have thought up. .
In the midst of such ‘greatness’. . following this calling. . being obedient. . striving for God’s will. . I still exhausted all of MY OWN options before bringing it before the Lord-Way to be Awesome Brit

Graciously, the Lord provided

NOW, I will be returning to Austin in the Fall for ONE upper division course, working full time (hopefully with this amazing woman), and prayerfully preparing my heart for the JANUARY 2011 World Race which will be taking me to the following places:

India, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, Romania, Ukraine, and Ireland

Change is a constant reminder that I am not in control. . . It’s unsettling because my human flesh always thinks, “I know what’s best for me” . . and to surrender what I know. . to the Lord. . is tough. .

Because of this CHANGE. . . I will be able to submerge myself back into a community of people who truly reveal Jesus to me daily, Austin Stone on Sunday nights, leading a few amazing girls that have changed my life. . at a very pivotal moment in theirs. . I will have time. . for fund raising. . and time to deal with my own mess–time to be humbled. . and time for Change.

You guys are awesome, thanks for the continuous support and prayers!

Lots of Love