Hey Friends,

Well-It’s all becoming more real to me. . I now have a blog. .so all of you who thought I was kidding about doing this thing. .CHECK IT OUT. . I am not a liar. . . but I am certain there will be many more instances where I stop and say. . dang. . .it’s real.

Confession: I saw on my profile page that I had my blog link. . and I was really excited until I realized that I’d never blogged before and stared at the screen for about 6 minutes. Awesome. Good thing there is a link at the top of my page labeled: Blogging Tutorials. God is good.

For now, Let’s just continue praying for our route and the rest of the October 2010 Team!! I will be posting much more after May 7th (Last day of classes).

Lot’s of Love

What is the World Race?