Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of getting to know friends more and more.  I’ve even met use to be strangers, but who are now great friends!  How have I done so?  It’s a little trick I use called “Ask questions and listen”.  It sounds SOOOO Easy, but it’s a lot tougher than one may imagine.

As human beings, I believe deep down we crave to be known.  Our souls cry out that “We Exist!”, “Look at me!”, “I want to be noticed!”, “My opinion matters!”, and much more.  Do I hit a point?  I can’t tell you how many times a kid in a PE class said “Coach! Look at me!”.  That phrase never stops in a gym, especially at the elementary level.


To continue reading more of what I’ve shared on this topic, please click HERE!  Thanks for visiting, be challenged, and share!