I learned about this game/activity while at an elementary school for three weeks of practicum required by my major.  Honestly, it was the only game I wanted to play everyday after I learned about it.  Star Wars as a game?!  I want to play this game right now as I type it up.  Some of you have an idea what this is, because maybe you even played it as a child.  However, I had no such privilege.  This game is a team based dodge ball game.  It can be played at any age level with only minor modifications.  So many different terminologies or other rules could be added to this game.

There are 2 equal teams, each team has 3 “Lifesavers/Jedi”, and a large area divided in half (gym or giant room is best).   The goal of the game is to knock out the opposing team’s Jedi. During the game, the students cannot cross the dividing line.  I like to use a giant rope, but tape or polyspots work well too.  If students are hit by a ball, or their thrown ball is caught they must sit down where they are.  Don’t let them lay down, or they’ll probably be run over.  The Jedi are able to bring people “back to life” with their Lifesaver (I know, it goes totally against what a Lightsaber actually does) by tagging their teammates on their shoulders.  I like to use short cut pieces of the floating noodles for a swimming pool as a tagging instrument.

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