While in deep prayer and thought, I was trying my Best to hear or see ANYTHING God was telling me of someone on my team.  At first I kept having random images pop up in my mind that I Knew were from my crazy Imagination I have.  Things like burgundy running shorts with diagonal strips, a glass-walled empty room with a desk in the middle of it, a hospital bed, and a nice blue tiled bathroom. Yea, what the heck?

After that I had had enough of it, and just told God SHOW ME SOMETHING!  For a while it was nothing but pitch black.  Then, in my vision I saw a slight glimmer.  I walk towards the light and realize it’s just a small FLAME sitting there.  It might have been about 1-2 feet tall, but it was just There.  A few moments passed by and then I noticed the flame was flickering.  I thought to myself, that mean’s WIND.  I begin to look around, and I realize that the flame is teetering on a ledge!

I look over the ledge and just saw pitch black still.  I look around and didn’t see anything else.  Then, I looked UP.  Right as I did, the flame shot straight up and it went So far I couldn’t even see it anymore.  A second later a Huge explosion occurred.  After the explosion, the fire began to spread over me like a humongous canopy.  At this point I’m just asking myself, “What the heck is going on?”. 

As the flaming canopy explosion continued, I noticed something falling.  It looked something of a paper material with the way it was falling.  All of a sudden one side of the flaming canopy starts to move.  I’m kinda freaked out of my mind at this point, but I was Loving the vision.  So, after a few minutes of me staring up at this humongous flaming red canopy that is pulsating I realized that I was figuratively inside a HEART, and that the stuff falling down was the covering of the Old Heart. 

This Heart was ALIVE, ON FIRE, BEATING, and NEW.

Yea, I know it’s kinda cheesy with this heart, but hey it’s the best illustration I could find.

When YOU accept Christ into your Heart, your Sole, your Being, YOU are a New Creation.  The OLD has gone, the NEW has come.  You are ALIVE in Christ!  You are DEAD to Sin! 

The Heart Continuously Beats Forever and Ever.  Yet, if you stray away from the Source of Life it will begin to Fade.  As a Christian you are to Continuously Seek after God.  That is what we are Called to do, and God is standing right There Loving you No Matter what.  All God wants You to do is Love Him back with the Love He Gave you.  God will tell you of things as your Christian walk goes on what He wants you to do.  LOVE is a great Start.