So we’ve ended our month of Manistry here in Thailand, and overall it was just Amazing.  We definitely took advantage of our free days to go some crazy fun things like elephants and also the once in a year event in Thailand called Festival of Lights. 

For me mentally and spiritually, it was just a great.  Being able to certainly draw closer to God while at the same time being so blessed to work with an amazing organization, Remember Nhu.  During the days us guys would do All sorts of great Manly Dirty Work.  Trust me, it was a lot and we left a good bit for the O-Squad guys who are there now of what we weren’t able to get to.

At nights we were able to hang out and eat dinner with the girls, and since there were two houses we alternated each night.  The girls definitely ministered to us in how no matter the past, they are still filled with so much Joy and Energy with the knowing that God Loves them, and they want to Love God!

We all got to hang out, share some language differences (that was fun with the girls always correcting our Thai), danced (yea, that was fun), worshiped with, and just Love on the girls as best we could. 

Here’s the short video from the month, and trust me I’m trying my best with crap internet to upload the Extended video.  That video will be pretty great so get excited about it.  I’ll probably upload it to another blog soon.  Enjoy!